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Micro Crystal RV-8803-C7 Module

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RTC-module RV-8803-C7

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The ultra-low current consumption of 240 nA and low operating voltage down to 1.5 V significantly increases the operational life of backup supplies and allows for potential use of low cost MLCC capacitors instead of costly batteries or supercaps as a short term backup solution. All this while providing accuracy of ±3.0 ppm (±0.26 seconds/day) over a temperature range of  40 to +85°C.  In addition to the lowest current and best accuracy of all temperature compensated RTCs, the RV-8803-C7 also has the smallest ceramic package in the industry with an integrated 32.768 kHz quartz crystal. Development tools: Demo boards and Graphical user interface are ready to support design-in.

The RTC’s accurate timekeeping in combination with its ultra-low power consumption allowing for simple power supply backup makes it ideal for a wide range of functions such as metering applications, embedded modules, data loggers, white goods, automotive, portable/wearable medical equipment and all types of POS systems.

Micro Crystal high accuracy / temperature compensated RTC-Module RV-8803-C7 - Avnet Abacus
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Features and benefits

  • Ultra-miniature ceramic SMD package: 3.2 x 1.5 x 0.8 mm
  • Very high accuracy ±3.0 ppm from -40 to +85°C (< 1.5 s/week)
  • low current consumption of only 240 nA; wide voltage range 1.5 to 5.5V
  • Integrated 32.768 kHz Quartz Crystal
  • I²C interface
  • AEC-Q200 qualified
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