IoT Beyond Connectivity – IoT Solutions for Industrial Automation, Medical and Smart Agriculture

In an era defined by the proliferation of connected devices and the vast potential of the Internet of Things (IoT), Avnet Abacus is leading the charge toward a future powered by innovative solutions geared towards efficiency, cost-effectiveness, and transformative technology. Our unwavering commitment to excellence and forward-thinking solutions makes us the ideal partner for companies seeking to implement IoT solutions that deliver tangible benefits and value. Join us as we embark on a journey beyond connectivity, where sensors, power supplies, human-machine interfaces, and integrated components converge to redefine the very fabric of modernity.


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Navigating Beyond Connectivity with Sensors

In today’s dynamic IoT landscape, sensors are pivotal as silent sentinels, orchestrating a symphony of data that fuels innovation across industries. Avnet Abacus’s sensor solutions go beyond simple data collection, intelligently interpreting the environment and delivering precision in various applications. From environmental monitoring to industrial exigencies, our sensor solutions offer scalability and seamless integration, ensuring cost-effective deployment and maximizing ROI.


Empowering Connectivity with Robust Power Supplies

Reliable power is the cornerstone of every connected ecosystem, and Avnet Abacus recognizes its importance in fostering seamless connectivity and uninterrupted operations. Our robust power supplies provide stability and offer scalability and compatibility with existing systems, ensuring cost efficiency and long-term reliability. With Avnet Abacus by your side, you can count on a stable energy foundation that fortifies the network against fluctuating power dynamics, minimizing downtime and maximizing operational efficiency.


Human-Machine Interface (HMI)

As humanity and technology converge, the interface between humans and machines assumes paramount importance. Avnet Abacus’s suite of HMI solutions bridges that gap, offering customization and flexibility, redefining the user experience, and enabling users to interact with technology in a natural, efficient, and empowering manner.

Our HMI solutions seamlessly integrate with existing systems, enhancing productivity and efficiency while ensuring compliance with industry standards and data security requirements across the industrial, medical and agricultural markets.


Integrated Power of IPE Components

Unlocking the true potential of IoT requires a sophisticated ecosystem of integrated components, and Avnet Abacus’s IP&E components serve as the linchpin of technical integration. From seamless connectivity to enhanced reliability, our IP&E components offer cost-effective solutions that meet the most stringent requirements. With Avnet Abacus, companies can confidently implement IoT solutions that deliver measurable results, driving efficiency, reliability, and innovation for years to come.”

Unlock the true potential of IoT with Avnet Abacus’ integrated power of Interconnect, Passive, and Electromechanical (IPE) components. These components serve as the linchpin of technical integration, fostering a sophisticated ecosystem that transcends the limitations of conventional IoT networks.

From seamless connectivity to enhanced reliability, our IP&E components lay the groundwork for an efficient, resilient, innovative future.



wireless signals

IoT Overview

The Avnet Abacus perspective on IoT enablement



Our technologies behind your IoT solution

gear in cloud


The industry’s preferred solution accelerator software

Globe and checklist


Easy access to the support you need

IoT improves every vertical market

Industrial Automation

Industrial IoT provides new insights into efficiency and maximizes uptime. 



Avnet Abacus' smart healthcare accelerator augments office visits with IoT technologies to enable remote patient monitoring and deliver more informed care.


Smart Agriculture



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Yes, you can get to market fast in IoT Grid Box Light

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Yes, you can get to market fast in IoT

The IoT is giving OEMs new ways to serve customers. With these new products come new business models. Bringing a new solution to market takes effort. Where should you put your resources?

Can edge controllers bring balance to the Industrial IoT Grid Box Light

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Can edge controllers bring balance to the Industrial IoT

Putting more real-time intelligence at the heart of industrial automation is creating a new breed of control technology. Connectivity and control must go hand in hand in the Industrial IoT, but it requires the best of both worlds.

Lets explore the technology inside IoT endpoints Grid Box Light_1

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Let’s explore the technology inside IoT endpoints

When it comes to the IoT, almost anything is possible. Engineers within OEMs using the latest semiconductor solutions can be more innovative when developing endpoints. And new technologies are creating new business opportunities.