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Frequently asked questions (FAQs)

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Find an Avnet career

The specific questions we ask will depend on the position you’re applying for, but all our questions are intended to help us understand your skills, knowledge and capabilities. Generally, we look for folks who align with our core values, as well as the specific qualifications of the position.

Yes, you have to apply to an opening to be considered. Due to application volume, our recruiting team prioritizes candidates with active applications over other referral sources. We are open to connecting with talent, even when we might not have a position currently available that matches your skill-set. You can set up job alerts to be notified when an opening is posted that matches your skills.

Our recruiters review job applicants for each opening and reach out to those who appear to match the qualifications of the position.

Even if you're not contacted for the job you applied for, your information will go into our candidate database, which means you may be contacted for other opportunities within Avnet at a later date.

Your application is important to us. While we would like to be able to connect with every applicant, we regret that the volume of applications on a global scale does not always allow our team to make personal contact with everyone who applies. You do have access to review the status of your submitted applications.

You can email our HR teams. In the Americas: | In EMEA: | In Asia:

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Using our career site

When you create your profile on the Avnet Careers site you’ll be asked to share your career history by uploading an existing resume or importing your information from LinkedIn. Each time you apply you will be presented with the option of using your previous resume or uploading a new one.

On the Avnet Careers site you will be prompted to create an account or log in if you are returning.

You may load one resume or CV per job application. Our system accepts the following formats: DOC, DOCX, HTML, PDF or TXT file types (5MB max).

On your candidate homepage, you will see your submitted applications. Click on the job title and you’ll find the option to withdraw your application.

Each time you apply, you’ll have the option of using your previous resume or loading a new one. Once you have submitted your application, you won’t be able to edit the resume or the data in your application. In the candidate homepage, you can view your submitted application by clicking on the job title, then View my Submitted Application.

Please see the accommodation information provided on the Avnet Career site.

Our system allows you to create job alerts, which will notify you when an opportunity becomes available in the area(s) you have selected.

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Interviewing at Avnet

Our competencies-based interviewing process is intended to help us minimize unconscious bias while also making sure we hire people who will thrive in our environment. We recommend you spend some time preparing for the interview by reviewing our website, thinking about how you align to our cultural values and refining questions you have about the position.

Many of our teams have detailed interview processes that allow us to gain a deeper understanding of your skills and knowledge. This process does take time, but it will also provide you with an experience that gives you an in-depth look at Avnet.

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Avnet offer

If you're selected, and the fit and timing are right on your end as well, please keep in close touch with your recruiter who will walk you through the proposed details of the offer. With your acceptance, your recruiter will initiate the pre-employment processes. Please note that your hiring manager does not execute the offer process, so you'll need to stay in close contact with your recruiter during this period.

At Avnet we conduct an ongoing global compensation analysis to ensure we are market competitive when it comes to compensation packages offered at time of hire and beyond.

The hiring team and recruiter have taken great care in finalizing the offer terms. At Avnet we conduct an ongoing global compensation analysis to ensure we are market competitive when it comes to compensation packages offered at time of hire and beyond. If you still have questions, please contact your recruiter.

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Onboarding at Avnet

Your recruiter or recruiting coordinator will contact you with detailed next steps.

This is up to you. Our recommendation is that you do not give notice until your recruiter has informed you that you are cleared for hire with Avnet.

Your start date will be determined based on when you are cleared for hire, the notice needed for any current employment and the needs of our business.

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