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Environmental Stewardship

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Environmental Stewardship

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Avnet recognizes that responsible management of our environmental footprint is fundamental to the long-term sustainability of our business.

We are committed to minimizing the environmental impact of our operations and promoting positive environmental practices among our suppliers and customers.

Avnet’s Climate Strategy & Progress

Decreasing our energy consumption is a priority for Avnet and is intrinsically linked to our commitment to reducing GHG emissions. For more information on our GHG accounting methodology and how we are measuring progress towards these goals, please see our FY24 Sustainability report.

parking structure with solar panels
  • Our strategy for reducing energy and associated GHG emissions focuses on the following actions:
    • Continued improvement in our data collection and analysis capabilities related to our energy use and related emissions
    • Obtaining ISO 14001 certification where practical and complying with all relevant local and national legislation
    • Switching to renewable energy sources, such as wind, solar and hydropower (generated on-site or purchased)
    • Improving the energy efficiency of offices and facilities
    • Supporting the transition from traditional combustion engines to hybrid or fully electric vehicles (EVs) though on-site charging stations, updating corporate car policies and expanding low-emission corporate car options
    • Consolidating facilities, including our data centers, where possible
    • Engaging our employees through training, information and communication
  • To help measure our environmental performance and progress, we continued to refine our ESG data management platform during FY24, which allowed us to transition our FY24 energy, water, waste and emissions metrics to align with our fiscal year.
  • For FY24, we have:
    • Carbon emissions and energy data for 100% of all operations (up from 88% in CY22)1
    • Water data for approximately 70% of all operations (up from 68% in CY22)
    • Waste data for approximately 66% of all operations (down from 70% in CY22)

1Collected energy and emissions data representing 100% of Avnet’s square footage, excluding land, includes approximately 10% of estimated values and 90% of collected data.


Avnet’s Environmental Goals

In 2021, we established our CY25 environmental goals, an ambitious set of targets for reducing our environmental footprint in the areas where we have an impact. In FY24, our environmental goal target dates were shifted to align with our fiscal year (previously CY25, now FY25).



Increase to 30% of Scope 1 & Scope 2 energy from renewable resources by FY25 N/A 30% 20% 18% 20%
Reduce Scope 1 & Scope 2 (market-based) GHG emissions by 50% from FY19 base by FY254 47,345 mtCO2e 23,673 mtCO2 30,789 mtCO2 28,013 mtCO2 25,933 mtCO2e
Reduce Scope 3 business travel emissions by 20% from CY19 base by FY25 10,448 mtCO2e 8,358 mtCO2e 3,064 mtCO2e 9,127 mtCO2e 11,063 mtCO2e
Divert 75% of waste from landfill by FY25 N/A 75% 87% 79% 83%

mtCO2e = Metric tons of carbon dioxide equivalent.
2 FY19, CY19, CY21 & CY22 values calculated from extrapolated data.
3 FY24 collected energy and emissions data representing 100% of Avnet’s square footage, excluding land, includes approximately 10% of estimated values and 90% of collected data.
4 Avnet follows the GHG Protocol Corporate Accounting and Reporting Standard framework when measuring emissions. GHG data has not been verified by an external third party. For more information on Avnet’s GHG emissions methodology and how it determines accuracy, please see our FY24 Sustainability Report section on Energy management and addressing climate change. 


See below for the latest environmental data available:

1Collected energy data represents an estimated 100% (FY24), 88% (CY22) and 87% (CY21) of Avnet’s square footage, excluding land. For CY21-CY22, extrapolated energy data is estimated to 100% of Avnet’s square footage. Scope 1 = On-site generation of energy owned/controlled by Avnet (generation of on-site combustion of heat or electricity examples: solar, natural gas, fuel oil and corporate fleet). Scope 2 = Purchase of off-site generation of electricity, heating, cooling and steam consumed by Avnet facilities. It may contain a mix of both green and non-green energy. Facilities in Austria, Belgium, Germany, Poland, Romania, Switzerland and the U.K. use green electricity products (e.g., green tariffs) supported by energy attribute certificates and invoices.

Avnet follows the GHG Protocol Corporate Accounting and Reporting Standard framework when measuring emissions. GHG data has not been verified by an external third party. For more information on Avnet’s GHG emissions methodology and how it determines accuracy, please see our FY24 Sustainability Report section on Energy management and addressing climate change. mtCO2e stands for metric tons of carbon dioxide equivalent.

Total Scope 1 & 2 emissions (location-based) 6,7 37,021 33,730 32,143
Total Scope 1 & 2 emissions (market-based) 6,7 30,789 28,013 25,933
    Scope 1 GHG emissions 6 6,556 8,219 8,204
    Scope 2 GHG emissions (location-based) 7 30,464 25,510 23,939
    Scope 2 GHG emissions (market-based) 7 24,232 19,793 17,729
Total Scope 3 emissions8 49,705 5,514,475 5,089,725
    Category 1: Purchased goods and services 9 - 5,425,818 4,972,954
    Category 2: Capital goods9 - 6,341 33,768
   Category 3: Fuel- and energy-related activities (not included in Scope 1 or 2)10 6,727 6,298 5,868
   Category 4: Upstream transportation and distribution11 19,811 20,383 8,090
   Category 5: Waste generated in operations12 558 864 389
   Category 6: Business travel5 3,064 9,127 11,063
   Category 7: Employee commuting13 1,409 1,574 16,363
   Category 9: Downstream transportation and distribution14 18,136 16,972 17,525
   Category 10: Processing of sold products15 - 830 736
   Category 12: End-of-life treatment of sold products15 - 25,138 22,283
   Category 13: Downstream leased assets16 - 1,130 686


Avnet follows the GHG Protocol Corporate Accounting and Reporting Standard framework when measuring emissions. GHG data has not been verified by an external third party. For more information on Avnet’s GHG emissions methodology and how it determines accuracy, please see our FY24 Sustainability Report section on Energy management and addressing climate change. mtCO2e stands for metric tons of carbon dioxide equivalent.

6 Scope 1 emissions -- Includes sources of direct emissions owned or controlled by Avnet (generation of on-site combustion of heat or electricity examples: solar, natural gas, fuel oil and corporate fleet). Collected emissions data represents an estimated 100% (FY24), 88% (CY22) and 87% (CY21) of Avnet’s square footage, excluding land. For CY21-CY22, extrapolated data is estimated to 100% of Avnet’s square footage. Sources for emissions factors and calculations include EPA GHG Guidance: Direct Emissions From Stationary Sources and EPA GHG Inventory Guidance: Direct Emissions From Mobile Combustion Source, DEFRA Environmental Reporting Guidelines, and IEA CO2 Emissions From Fuel Combustion. Corporate fleet data was sourced from EMEA fleet and fuel emissions averages. For additional details regarding emissions factor sources, see our 2024 CDP report.

7 Scope 2 emissions -- Includes indirect emissions from purchased off-site generation of electricity, heating, cooling and steam consumed by Avnet facilities. Collected emissions data represents an estimated 100% (FY24), 88% (CY22) and 87% (CY21) of Avnet’s square footage, excluding land. For CY21-CY22, extrapolated data is estimated to 100% of Avnet’s square footage. Sources for emissions factors and calculations include EPA GHG Guidance: Indirect Emissions From Purchased Electricity, DEFRA Environmental Reporting Guidelines, the U.S. EPA Emissions & Generation Resource Integrated Database (eGRID) and IEA Emissions Factors. For additional details regarding emissions factor sources, see our 2024 CDP report.

8 Scope 3: Category 11: Use of sold products, Category 14: Franchises, and Category 15: Investments were deemed not relevant to Avnet’s operations. Category 8: Upstream leased assets – all leased assets that directly consume fuels or electricity are included in Scope 1 and Scope 2 inventory, excluding land.

9 Scope 3: Category 1: Purchased goods and services & Category 2: Capital goods -- Emissions for purchased goods and services were calculated with a hybrid methodology including both supplier-specific emission factor data and the spend-based method. The spend-based method was applied using Environmentally Extended Economic Input Output (EEIO) lifecycle analysis (LCA) emissions factors from the U.S. EPA. Avnet’s total direct and indirect spend was leveraged to account for all purchased goods and services in Category 1. Cash flows from investing activities/property, plant and equipment noted in Avnet’s 2024 10-K were leveraged to account for all capital goods in Category 2. Where available supplier-specific emission factors were leveraged from CDP Climate Questionnaires.

10 Scope 3: Category 3: Fuel- and Energy-Related Activities (not included in Scope 1 or Scope 2) -- Emissions calculated using well-to-tank and transmission and distribution emissions (FY24). Emissions calculated using standard average data method of 25% of Scope 1 emissions + 20% of Scope 2 emissions (CY21-CY22).

11 Scope 3: Category 4: Upstream transportation and distribution -- Emissions data sourced from carrier invoicing data provided by Data2Logistics. CO2 emissions were calculated based on DEFRA averages using mode, weight, distance and distance range (long haul, short haul, etc.) to determine the spent carbon. Data includes Avnet: AMER & EMEA and Farnell: AMER. Data does not include Avnet: APAC or Farnell: APAC and EMEA. Emissions are calculated for transportation and distribution logistics for carriers within Avnet’s control. For additional details regarding emissions sources, see our 2024 CDP report.

12 Scope 3: Category 5: Waste Generated in Operations -- Waste-type-specific emissions are calculated from waste generated during operations. 13 Scope 3: Category 7: Employee Commuting -- Commuter data was requested from Maricopa County Air Quality Department’s Travel Reduction Program survey. The survey included data from Avnet’s largest three Phoenix-based locations: the 47th Street headquarters and the Morelos and McKemy facilities. Emissions were calculated using the GHG Protocol’s distance-based methodology, including mode of transportation and weekly miles traveled. Commuter data was then extrapolated to account for 100% of Avnet’s FY24 total head count, excluding the total number of corporate fleet vehicles.

14 Scope 3: Category 9: Downstream transportation and distribution -- Emissions data sourced from carrier invoicing data provided by Data2Logistics. CO2 emissions were calculated based on DEFRA averages using mode, weight, distance and distance range (long haul, short haul, etc.) to determine the spent carbon. Data includes Avnet: AMER & EMEA and Farnell: AMER. Data does not include Avnet: APAC or Farnell: APAC and EMEA. Emissions are calculated for transportation and distribution logistics for carriers within Avnet’s control. For additional details regarding emissions sources, see our 2024 CDP report.

15 Scope 3: Category 10: Processing of sold products & Category 12: End-of-life treatment of sold products -- Avnet prioritized estimating emissions from the semiconductor products we sell since this represented a significant majority of Avnet sales. Calculations for the processing of sold goods (Category 10) and end-of-life treatment of sold goods (Category 12) were made based on the total quantity of semiconductors sold and extrapolated based on the percentage of total sales to reflect Avnet’s full operations. Assumptions of the energy consumption of a “pick and place” machine from literature and life cycle assessment (LCA) values were used to estimate processing emissions. To estimate emissions from the end-of-life treatment of sold products, the total mass of sold semiconductors was estimated leveraging LCA data. Average electronic recycling rates and emission factors from the U.S. EPA were used to estimate emissions from disposal at the end of their life.

16 Scope 3: Category 13: Downstream leased assets -- Emissions from electricity, natural gas, and refrigerants used for AC were estimated based on the geographic location, building use, and square footage of the leased space. For electricity and natural gas intensity factors, sources varied by geography but were all derived from national government agencies (i.e. CBECS in the United States). For AC/refrigerant intensity factors, a common intensity factor was used across all locations based on square footage derived from methodologies detailed by the US EPA and IPCC.


Waste generated 6,354 5,738 3,216
Total hazardous waste 282 359 61
Total recycled waste 5,764 4,483 2,680
Recycled hazardous waste 282 80 59
Recycled nonhazardous waste 5,483 4,403 2,621
Total disposed waste 590 1,255 536
Disposed hazardous waste19 1 279 2
Disposed nonhazardous waste 589 976 534
 Percentage recycled (% calculated from extrapolated data for CY21-CY22) 87% 79% 83%

18 Collected waste data represents an estimated 66% (FY24), 70% (CY22) and 71% (CY21) of Avnet’s square footage, excluding land. For facilities that provided invoices without the weight of waste, data was estimated by applying usage rates. Usage rates were based on collected data and categorized by waste and facility type.
19 Increase in hazardous waste disposed from CY21 to CY22 was driven by disposal of hazardous waste at McKemy distribution center.

Water withdrawn by source: - - -
     Surface water, including wetlands, rivers, lakes, oceans 0 0 0
     Groundwater 0 0 0
     Rainwater 0 0 0
     Wastewater from another organization 0 0 0
     Municipal water suppliers or other public or private water utilities 168,514 132,782 109,237
Total water withdrawn: 168,514 132,782 109,237
     Domestic 145,182 121,275 99,818
     Irrigation 5,296 5,303 1,170
     Process water 18,036 6,204 8,249
Total water consumed: 168,514 132,782 109,237
     Domestic 145,182 121,275 99,818
     Irrigation 5,296 5,303 1,170
     Process water 18,036 6,204 8,249

20Collected water data represents an estimated 70% (FY24), 68% (CY22) and 73% (CY21) of Avnet’s square footage, excluding land.

