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Ethics and Compliance

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Values that guide every action

Values that influence every action - Mixed Media

Avnet’s culture is based on deep-rooted values: integrity, customer focus, ownership, teamwork, and inclusiveness. These values can be traced back to the character and integrity of Charles Avnet, who founded the company a century ago. Today, they influence our every action, resulting in a workforce of more than 15,000 individuals committed to doing business the right way.

We work to continuously improve and strengthen our corporate governance and responsible business practices. We are proactive about critical issues such as anti-corruption and human rights. We comply with local and global regulations at a minimum, but, more important, we work at maximizing our positive impacts while minimizing any negative impacts.

We are guided by polices such as the Avnet Code of Conduct, which sets standards in areas such as human rights, anti-corruption, data security and privacy, non-discrimination, diversity and equal opportunity, and workplace health and safety. The Code of Conduct applies to all employees, officers, members of our board of directors, and the company’s subsidiaries around the world. It is translated into more than 15 languages. All new employees are asked to review the Code of Conduct and employees are trained on it at least every two years.

Avnet ethics
A pledge of transparency - Mixed Media

A comprehensive ethics program

Avnet’s ethics and compliance program puts principles into practice and includes the following:

  1. Ensuring oversight of ethics and compliance.
  2. Establishing and implementing relevant policies, such as the Code of Conduct.
  3. Requiring ethics and compliance training for employees globally.
  4. Creating awareness around ethics and compliance through communications
  5. Conducting auditing and monitoring of the program, such as anti-corruption risk assessments.
  6. Providing mechanisms for reporting concerns (including the Ethics Alertline), conducting investigations, and taking corrective action, as needed.
  7. Reporting on ethics and compliance to both executive leadership and the audit committee of the board of directors.
  8. Engaging in continuous improvement of the program.
Avnet governance
Ethics Alertline - Grid

Ethics Alertline

Available 24/7 to employees, vendors, suppliers, customers and any third parties worldwide to report compliance and ethics-related concerns

Learn More
Code of Conduct - Code of Conduct - Grid

Code of Conduct

Doing business the right way

Details on how we conduct ourselves in every aspect of business.

Business Policies and Quality Certificates - Certifications - Grid


View our business policies and quality certificates

We've set the bar for incorporating quality elements into our processes.

Conflict-free Supply Chain - Human Rights - Grid

Human Rights

A conflict-free supply chain is our priority

We believe our customers should be fully informed about the products they purchase.

Modern Slavery - Ethics and Governance - Grid

Human Rights

Modern slavery and human trafficking

Avnet’s Global policy against human trafficking, modern slavery and child labor.