Avnet works to make it as easy as possible for its stakeholders to access relevant ESG-related reports. See below for a list of currently available reports and scores and how to access.
Sustainability reports:
FY24 | FY23 | FY 22 | FY21 | FY19-FY20 | FY17-FY18 | FY16 | FY14
- ESG Ratings
- CDP (Carbon Disclosure Project) – search for any company’s score at the bottom of the page
- MSCI: ESG Ratings Corporate Search Tool
- Sustainalytics: search for any company's rating
- UN Global Compact, Communications on Progress (CoP): search for any company’s CoP
To request a copy of other Avnet scores, ratings and ESG information, please email ESG@Avnet.com.
This includes our EcoVadis rating certificate, support for Responsible Business Alliance (RBA)-SAQ requests, and to request a copy of Avnet’s Slavery & Trafficking Risk Template (STRT).