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3M Interconnect Solutions produces thousands of innovative products for dozens of diverse markets.3Ms core strength is applying its more than 40 distinct technology platforms often in combination to a wide array of customer needs. With $24 billion in sales, 3M employs 75,000 people worldwide and has operations in more than 60 countries. 3M has a worldwide presence in the following markets: Consumer and Office, Display and Graphics, Electro and Communications, Health Care, Industrial and Transportation Safety, Security and Protection Services.
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Twin Axial PCI Express - Grid Box Light

3M Twin Axial PCI Express Extender Assemblies Gen 5.0

Designed for PCIe (85 ohm) 5.0 applications, these extenders feature flexible, foldable thin twin axial ribbon cables for versatile routing and compact custom configurations.

3M™ Twin Axial PCI Express Extender Assembly

Highspeed Cable Assembly

3M™ Twin Axial Cable provide revolutionary bendable, foldable cabling solutions ideal for transmitting high-speed over longer distances.


3M Machine Vision Solutions

3M offers connectors, cables, and cable assemblies for high speed/density input/output applications in three major standards that cross the spectrum of machine vision.

industrial camera

Twin Axial PCIe X16 Extender Assemblies Gen 4.0

3M™ Twin Axial PCIe Extender Assemblies for PCIe® 4.0 applications is a family of cable assemblies including X4, X8, X16 connectors utilizing 3M™ Low Loss Twin Axial Cable 85 ohm, 31 AWG which is ideal for PCIe® applications.


3M Wire-to-Board System, 3M socket 451 & 3M header 452 Series

3M™ 450 Wire-to-Board Systems is a complete end-to-end interconnect system intended for wire-to-board applications. It is a two-part system consisting of a boardmount header and a wiremount socket.


3M Helps Enable Factory Automation

Space and time are two constants with a finite value. Find out how 3M is leading the way for advancements in the industrial automation market with its rugged and reliable interconnect products that save assembly time and reduce space requirements.

3M Factory automation - GBL

Factory Automation

3M™ Mini-Clamp, 3M™ Link, and 3M™ Power Clamp products promote quick and reliable wire connection from sensors, switches and other accessories.

3M™ Mini-Clamp