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COM/SOM Modules

Computer on Modules and System on Modules are complete embedded computers with a computer processor, chipset, memory, and peripherals designed into a single board with a small footprint. They integrate the complete functions of a computer in to a single module. Both COMs and SOMs are types of single board computers except the fact that both of these are required to be mounted on a carrier board/base board which breaks the bus out to standard peripheral connectors as COM/SOM lacks the standard connectors for any input/output peripherals to be attached directly to the board. Carrier boards can implement special I/O interfaces, additional memory devices, and connectors according to the application requirements. COM examples include COM-Express Basic, COM-Express Compact, COM-Express Mini, QSeven, ETX etc. SOM examples are NOVSOM, MitySOM, and SOM CM7120 etc.
COM/SOM Modules