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Adaptive Industrial Platform

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Bringing Adaptive Platforms to Robotics and the Intelligent Factory

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Demand for robotics is increasing rapidly. Designers and engineers must create robots that integrate machine learning and artificial intelligence while still being safe and secure operating alongside humans.  AMD Xilinx has the answer with their scalable and out-of-the-box development platform for robotics, the Kria™ SOM KR260 Robotics Kit. These platforms have the features and tools to accelerate your development and enable rapid development of robotics and machine vision products without the need for FPGA experience.

Features - Static HTML
robotic hand

Native & Fully Integrated ROS 2 + latest Ubuntu 22.04 LTS support

  • Enabling SW defined adaptive platforms with Kria Robotics Stack (KRS)
  • 5X productivity with Robotics Stack
  • Simplified integration, faster time from out-of-box to deployment
robotic arm

Low Latency and Determinism

  • Real-time responses for high performance machines
  • Safety & Security for industrial grade solutions
  • Higher performance/watt & latency benchmarks against competitive platforms
cog with arrows circling around it

Complete Industrial Solution

  • Pre-built interfaces for robotics and industrial solutions
  • New accelerated applications based on ROS 2 Perception, TSN and 10GigE Vision Camera
Whitepaper - HTML

Adaptive Computing with the Kria Robotics Starter Kit

Learn more about robotics trends, challenges, solutions, and application examples. Discover how the Kria robotics starter kit, along with the Kria robotics stack, enables rapid development for robotics, machine vision, and industrial communication and control, through adaptive computing.

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Adaptive Computing with the Kria Robotics Starter Kit White Paper Cover

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Kria KR260 Robotics Starter Kit

Adaptive SOMs are the perfect compute platform for next-generation robotics.

The path to production has never been easier, as the Kria KR260 Robotics Starter Kit provides hardware acceleration for robotics and industrial automation, and allows developers to leverage the Kria Robotics Stack (KRS) for a ROS-centric development experience. The KR260 enables developers to move their validated application to a production-ready K26 SOM with all the needed design resources and online support.

In addition, developers can join the Robot Operating System 2 (ROS 2) Hardware Acceleration Working Group (HAWG) to stay current on industry trends and AMD Xilinx’s latest contributions to acceleration with ROS 2 and Gazebo flows.

Whitepaper  |  Datasheet

Kria KR260 Robotics Starter Kit
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Avnet product specialists are waiting to help you select the right AMD Xilinx solutions for your needs.

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Giveaway - GBL


Register to win a high-performance KR260 starter kit that includes everything needed to develop your robotics application quickly.

KR260 kit - RRD

KR260 kit

The KR260 delivers quick & easy ROS-centric development for roboticists on adaptive hardware. Implement the accelerated applications on the KR260 platform in less than an hour without the need for FPGA experience or Xilinx tools.

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KR260 video - RRD

KR260 Out-of-box video

Learn how easy it is to get the KR260 Robotics Starter Kit up and running right out of the box without the need for FPGA experience.

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