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Whether you deliver energy through a pipeline or the smart grid, you’ll need components selected for performance and lifetime within harsh environments. Explore our resources to stay up to date with energy trends and technology.
a green electric van being charged
How V2G benefits drivers and electricity suppliers
By Harvey Wilson   -   October 5, 2023
Vehicle-to-grid (V2G) enables EVs to send power from their batteries back to the main electricity grid. This will be hugely helpful in dealing with the inconsistency of renewables. However, it brings with it new technical and commercial challenges.
air conditioning system
AI takes on growing role in HVAC system efficiencies
By Avnet Staff   -   July 6, 2023
In most countries, buildings account for about 40% of the total energy consumed. HVAC and lighting consume around half that amount. Fortunately, AI is already delivering improved energy efficiency in these systems.
Why should you consider a smart monitoring system for your diesel generator?
By Philip Ling   -   August 17, 2022
The IoT is changing the way we manage and maintain essential assets. Smart sensors, cloud-based analytics and remote management are coming together to increase productivity, efficiency and reliability.
The potential of green hydrogen
Can green hydrogen become the world’s most sustainable source of energy?
By Philip Ling   -   August 2, 2022
The universe is filled with hydrogen just waiting to be put to good use. Are we on the cusp of an energy revolution?
EV charging station
Designing ultra-rapid DC EV chargers
July 13, 2022
If electric drivetrains are to replace internal combustion, particularly in larger vehicles, we need more high-speed DC charging capacity. This article examines six of the main design considerations.
ocean windfarm
How wide bandgap semiconductors are improving renewable energy design
July 13, 2022
While silicon served us admirably for half a century, engineers are turning to wide bandgap technologies such as silicon carbide and gallium nitride to increase converter/inverter efficiency as momentum to harness renewable energy increases.
Person paying for EV charging with a credit card
Defining security for the EV charging infrastructure
July 13, 2022
Drivers are demanding easy access to public EV charging points. Providers must meet this demand without sacrificing security for simplicity. Cybercriminals will find any security weaknesses, but the latest standards are here to help.
Solar and wind farm
Batteries won’t do for renewable energy storage
By Cameron Coward   -   June 29, 2022
Solar and wind energy has a serious drawback: it isn’t always available on-demand. These methods enable renewable energy storage that can meet demand throughout the day and night.
two buisiness people exchanging handshake with SiC icons overlayed
A closer look at SiC quality
June 27, 2022
Silicon carbide builds on established manufacturing methodologies but requires entirely new manufacturing processes. Increasing yield and reducing costs relies on imposing the highest quality at every stage.
hand reaching out
Why you should care about SiC figures of merit
June 10, 2022
SiC semiconductors are becoming ubiquitous in power conversion equipment, particularly in the areas of EVs, solar and energy storage systems. This article reviews applications and explores the figures of merit that can be used to compare devices.
mand holding testing equipment
How robust testing forms part of the SiC supply chain
June 10, 2022
In high reliability/availability applications, SiC semiconductors are seen as emerging technology. This article explains their benefits and how an end-to-end supply chain with robust testing makes SiC a safe design option.
man holding tablet computer
When will wireless power transfer redefine the Industrial IoT?
November 12, 2021
Power loss in a single sensor might result in downtime for an entire production line, so keeping them operational will be critical. With developments in the enabling technologies, could wireless power transfer be the answer?
Cleanroom tech with wafer
Three design freedoms enabled by SiC technology
By Milan Ivkovic   -   April 17, 2021
Even with the undeniable performance and potential of silicon carbide (SiC) technology, some designers may be hesitant initially to tackle new projects using SiC.
Silicon carbide (SiC) and Gallium nitride (GaN)
The substantial benefits of silicon carbide (SiC) and gallium nitride (GaN) in power electronics
By Milan Ivkovic   -   March 8, 2021
Silicon carbide (SiC) and gallium nitride (GaN) are two semiconductor materials that are creating a significant shift in the power electronics market.
Solar panels providing an alternate power source with the city skyline they are powering in the background
Alternative Solutions For Powering IoT Devices
August 9, 2018
In this article, we look at why edge devices need power, and the options for reducing this need to a level where energy harvesting becomes sustainable.
energy harvesting concept with green batteries sprouting from the ground
Powering the Internet of Things via Energy Harvesting
March 27, 2017
The push is on to add Internet capability to everything—often called the Internet of Things (IoT)—and the challenge for design engineers is to figure out how to power each of these IoT nodes.
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