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Avnet Amplified

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Over 100 years of distribution and technology expertise, amplified. Check out the latest podcasts from Avnet’s global teams.


Podcasts Table

Top Tech Voices

The Top Tech Voices podcast series is for all tech enthusiasts, forward thinkers and anyone passionate about technology’s endless possibilities. We have invited some of the top minds in technology to share insights, stories and expertise to inspire you.


We talk IoT – The Internet of Things Business Podcast

The We talk IoT podcast keeps you up to date with major developments in the world of the internet of things, IIoT, artificial intelligence, and cognitive computing. Our guests are leading industry experts, business professionals, and experienced journalists as they discuss some of today’s hottest tech topics and how they can help boost your bottom line.

The Innovation Experts

The Innovation Experts, a global podcast from Farnell, Newark and element14, explores the latest innovations in the world of electronics. The second series investigate how some of the world’s leading electronic component and solution manufacturers enable technological innovation, Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) and smart manufacturing. Each episode in the series allows buyers, design engineers, facility managers and other industry professionals to take advantage of the concepts behind Industry 4.0 and embrace optimisation. Valuable insights on the latest trends, challenges, products, tools and applications are shared.

Passion for Technology

Hosted by EBV, the Passion for Technology Podcast covers all trends and topics that move our industry, including SiC & GaN, Wearables and Robotics.

Hackster Café

Hackster Café is a weekly interview show featuring luminaries of the industry – from founders and thought leaders to career engineers and artists. We cover new product releases, trending projects, robotics, wearable technology, smart vehicles, and all things IoT.

e14 Community

Join the makers and engineers of element14 presents as they tackle fun and interesting projects each friday using circuitry design, 3D printing, microcontrollers, modeling, design, and much more. Or tune in on Wednesdays for Workbench Wednesdays, DC to Daylight and The Electronics Inside.

Distributing Wisdom

Avnet’s Distributing Wisdom podcast brings together the brightest minds in the electronic components industry to examine how distribution drives technology, product and supply chain innovation. Featuring an exciting roster of industry leaders sharing their unique experiences and wisdom, each episode tackles a specific challenge we’re facing today and examines how we’re building on our industry’s past to shape the future of technology.

The Critical Connection Presented by Avnet & Amphenol

The Critical Connection Podcast

In a world empowered by next-generation technologies, the links between systems have become more important than ever. In this limited-series podcast we will talk to industry experts to take a closer look at these vital conduits of power and data.