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Turnkey Design & Manufacturing Services

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Turnkey design & manufacturing

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End-to-end service helps you every step of the way—quickly

Manufacturing can be quite complex. It’s expensive to hire hard-to-find experts in emerging or specialized technology. It’s time-consuming and complex to find quality design and manufacturing providers that can handle the tricky handoff from idea on a page to product in hand. What’s more, it’s challenging to ensure both quality and security of intellectual property throughout the design and manufacturing process.

Avnet can step in to handle it all—acting as your one partner from specification to production, while checking in with you every step of the way to ensure that we’re helping you meet your business objectives.

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We handle qualification, monitoring, procurement, warehousing and testing challenges such as: local and overseas, complex, substrate, high density, test platforms, design for manufacturing, prototype and product validation tests (PVT), quality, engineering and process.

  • Hardware design: We can help with high speed digital, analog, power and RF.
  • Software design: From embedded firmware and application development to cloud connectivity, we can ensure hardware and software are working together to deliver the best user experience to your customers.
  • PCB design: When developing your custom solution, we’ll consider signal integrity, EMC/EMI, thermal and power delivery simulation. We have expertise in advanced design techniques and materials for all applications with experienced staff plus project managers who can handle:
    • Board layout
    • Memory configuration
    • Interfaces
    • Sensors and form factors
    • EMC/EMI design
    • Mechanical and 3D design
    • PCB fabrication
    • Component procurement and assembly
  • Simulation and verification services: Avnet can help ensure your designs are robust from both electrical and thermal perspectives. Our engineering experts can handle:
    • Full or partial circuit design simulation
    • Design consulting services
    • Digital simulation including timing analysis, signal integrity, cross talk analysis and termination strategies
    • Computer-aided manufacturing (CAM) verification of Gerber tooling and copper connectivity
    • Thermal and power delivery simulation
  • Testing and certification: No matter what corner of the globe you’re manufacturing in, we have deep experience in the certifications and regulations it takes to ensure the successful development and delivery of your product.