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Electronic Data Interchange (EDI)

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Electronic data interchange: speaking the language of supply-chain

Communication is the key for us to guide you to unprecedented levels of success. It’s essential to every engagement including the way our systems ‘talk’ to each other. Automating the exchange of supply chain data between companies can greatly enhance business efficiency and lower costs. Avnet can streamline the data exchange between our companies by connecting with you via Electronic Data Interchange (EDI).


Our team will work with you on data mapping to enable a seamless, constant flow of information between our companies. The data we exchange will automatically populate each other’s enterprise requirement planning (ERP) systems without requiring manual intervention. You’ll spend more time being proactive and less time on data entry.

Once our systems are connected and the data is mapped, we’re ready for action. You’ll find an EDI relationship with Avnet saves your purchasing, materials and operations team time a significant amount of time. They’ll appreciate being able to use the time saved for higher value activities.

Having an EDI relationship with Avnet also means you’re always in the know. You’ll have access to your supply-chain data and a number of essential reports, which are constantly updated, providing you with the most current information. We’ll plan for your reporting requirements when we first meet to get the EDI process underway.

Avnet processes millions of EDI transactions each year saving our customers a significant amount of money and time.

We're ready to start engaging with you on EDI transactions today

  • 810 Invoice
  • 820 Remittance Advice
  • 824 Application Advice
  • 830 Forecast
  • 846 Inventory Advice
  • 850 Purchase Order
  • 855 Purchase Order Acknowledgment
  • 856 Advanced Ship Notice
  • 860 Purchase Order Change
  • 862 Shipping Schedule
  • 865 Purchase Order Change Acknowledgment
  • 867 Product Transfer Report

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Avnet is at the forefront of identifying and leading customers looking to capitalize on emerging markets. We see over the horizon to be prepared for future markets.

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