Murata Isolated gate driver

Murata’s range of DC-DC converters for gate drive power are specifically designed for gate drive circuits, commonly used in alternative energy, motion & control, mobility, and healthcare solutions.
- Ultra low isolation capacitance 3pF
- Optimized bipolar output voltages for IGBT/SiC & MOS gate drives
- DC Link voltages up to 3KV withstand capability
- Characterized partial discharge performance
- dv/dt immunity up to 80kV/µS at 1.6kV
At high power, inverters or converters typically use ‘bridge’ configurations to generate line-frequency AC or to provide bi-directional PWM drive to motors, transformers or other loads. Bridge circuits typically include IGBTs or MOSFETs including SiC and GaN, as ‘high side’ switches, whose emitters/sources are switching nodes at high voltage and high frequency. Therefore, the gate drive PWM signal and associated drive power rails, which use the emitter/source as a reference, have to be galvanically isolated from ground. Additional requirements are that the drive circuit and associated power rails should be immune to the high ‘dV/dt’ of the switch node and have a very low coupling capacitance. In many instances, the bridge circuit requires safety agency-rated isolation from the control circuitry and therefore the drive circuit isolation barrier must be robust and show no significant degradation over the design life time due to partial discharge effects.
The MGJ series of DC-DC converters is designed to provide optimum drive voltages and isolation for these ‘high side’ gate drive circuits