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We showcase customers' achievements in moving from idea to product and product to market, while highlighting the supporting role Avnet played in bringing their innovations into the hands of consumers.
AI-powered wearable targets preventable deaths – Part 1
By Philip Ling   -   April 5, 2024
Proof of Concept. The first part in an Avnet Case Study Series
Ryobi mower
TTI transforms global supply chain into a competitive differentiator using Avnet business migration solutions
By Avnet Staff   -   July 14, 2023
CUSTOMER CASE STUDY: See how Techtronic Industries used Avnet’s business migration solutions for insight into its supply chain, enabling it to make real-time decisions about chip inventory for its contract manufacturers worldwide.
Fiber optics
Ribbon Communications: Shifting supply chain economics with Avnet Integrated
March 16, 2018
Ribbon Communications provides advanced network solutions that deliver reliable, scalable and secure communications for service providers, telecommunications carriers and enterprises in more than 100 countries worldwide.
person using small ultrasound device and smartphone to examine patient
Clarius takes ultrasounds further
January 30, 2018
From the magical to the unimaginable, ultrasound technology gives critical insight in to what’s going on in the depths of our bodies. Despite a century of innovation, the multi-billion-dollar ultrasound industry is still dominated by large, cart-based sys...
Combine on a field
The story of Swift Navigation
January 11, 2018
Autonomous functionality is set to disrupt industries from automotive to agriculture and robotics. There’s just one problem: GPS technology needs to catch up.
Man multiple computer screens.
Code 42: The journey to securing data at the edge
October 27, 2017
As threats to intellectual property get more sophisticated and the resulting business disruptions become more prevalent, Code42 helps mitigate the risks that companies face from workforces that are increasingly mobile.
Woman kissing her baby's foot
The story of Owlet
October 11, 2017
In 2012, Kurt Workman was a full-time chemical engineering major at Brigham Young University. Kurt’s aunt had just had twins, prematurely, so he and his wife were lending a helping hand whenever they could.
Clothing stacked on shelving in a store
The story of Twyst
September 27, 2017
Imagine walking into your favorite store, getting a special offer just for you, choosing your items and then walking out. No line, no checkout.
Doctor reading an x-ray
The story of Braster
April 1, 2017
Braster S.A. is a Poland-based company founded by scientists with a mission – to save lives by giving women an easier, more effective and more comfortable way to conduct breast self-examinations at home
Buildings in a cityscape
The story of Ubicquia
March 30, 2017
Ubicquia is making cities across the globe smarter with Kairo, a customizable, light pole-based router that takes advantage of existing city infrastructure.
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