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Main Title - 202010S1

Automatically maintaining hygiene

Mixed Media - AAC 202010S1

The current situation has necessitated increased vigilance when it comes to ensuring high standards of cleanliness and hygiene. Habits such as frequent hand washing and sanitizing have become part of daily life for many people and some public locations have begun to require that visitors sanitize their hands before entering the premises. This has seen an increase in the deployment of hand sanitizer dispensers at building entrances.

Avnet has developed an automatic hand sanitizer dispenser build with the lowest cost E-BoM and smallest printed circuit board. The core of the dispenser is a micro-controller which controls the dispenser with the aid of a motor and an infrared sensor. Upon sensing hand movement, the pump springs into action to automatically dispense sanitizer. The dispensing time for the sanitizer can be preset, allowing for adjustments to the amount of sanitizer dispensed. The lower cost of deployment and small size of the dispenser will allow it to be installed in more locations.

Long Copy - AAC202010S1


  • Lowest cost E-BoM
  • Inbuilt battery charger circuit
  • Adjustable dispensing time
  • Modulated IR sensing
  • Smallest size PCB (30mm x 30mm)
  • 5V operation (micro USB for mobile charger)
  • Motor & Solenoid options

Automatically maintaining hygiene

Target applications

  • Public Locations
  • Offices
  • Hospitals
  • Residential Buildings


Block diagram

Automatically maintaining hygiene


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