With the ECOmise it™ programme for the environment and the social leadership initiative for social responsibility, EBV Elektronik has led the industry for years now in terms of its commitment to being a green, socially conscious corporate citizen. Learn about the principles behind EBV’s philosophy of corporate social responsibility and keep up to date with our latest initiatives!
"Only by setting ecological standards, will we be economically successful."
(EBV's ECOmise it Mission Statement)
"People who need help are a barometer for the well-being of our society – ignore it at your own peril!"
(EBV's social leadership Mission Statement)
EBV has always been happy to accept responsibility: our social commitment is something we have been undertaking on our own initiative for decades now, and in this time we have placed emphasis on the credibility of the projects we support and on finding initiatives in the regions around our sites to which our employees have personal contact. It is crucial for us that we can include and motivate people working for us to get involved personally with the projects we support.

Social Leadership
Avnet Sustainability Report
Consider three of our areas of focus: community engagement, environmental sustainability and ethics and governance.
Social Leadership
Environmental Certifications
EBV Elektronik only works together with such printing companies which can guarantee through certification that all printed material goes through a climate-neutral process. The identifiable symbol is the certification ‘Climate-Neutral Printing’.
Social Leadership
As distributors, Avnet and EBV does not certify compliance with REACH and RoHS on behalf of their original manufacturers. EBV does encourage its manufacturers to make their environmental information available on their websites.
Social Leadership
Conflict Mineral Policy
As a global distributor of electronic components, computer products and embedded technology, Avnet promotes the traceability of these minerals and the transparency of the supply chain.