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Bring IoT solutions to life with EBV and onsemi

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IoT is no longer the future — it’s the present. When your customers clamor for IoT solutions to enhance business operations and improve bottom lines, you’ve got to deliver.

We’re here to help OEMs like you simplify the process of building IoT-enabled products. Through the power of the onsemi RSL10 Bluetooth® Low Energy SoC and Avnet’s robust IoTConnect® Platform, powered by Microsoft Azure, we help you deliver competitive solutions.


Jump-start your IoT product development today


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Look inside the onsemi RSL10 SiP

Bringing a competitive IoT product to market requires the right building blocks. With leading sensor technology and the industry's lowest power Bluetooth® Low Energy SoC, the onsemi RSL10 platform can accelerate your IoT development and differentiate your products. At a glance, this innovative product includes:

 RSL10 Bluetooth sensor

 BME680 integrated environmental sensor

 BMM150 digital geomagnetic sensor

 Integrated DSP hardware

 Low-power smart hub

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Overcome IoT development obstacles with trusted partners

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IoT development may now be a necessity, but trudging through a complex, time-consuming development process certainly isn’t. Rather than wrangle up to a dozen vendors and hunt down the right components for your design, EBV Elektronik can serve as your single, end-to-end partner by identifying state-of-the-art building blocks — like onsemi RSL10 SiP — and accelerating your time to market.

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IoT-enabled products are now the price of admission. To achieve a competitive edge, you’ll need to develop something unique. Fortunately, the balance of Avnet’s IoTConnect® platform and onsemi RSL10 SiP serves as a bridge between your hardware and software IoT needs. On top of that, you get access to expert consultation through our advisory services, ensuring you’re creating something truly transformative.

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Designing and manufacturing an IoT-enabled product can be especially laborious. With the right partners and the right pieces, however, you’ll marvel at just how simple and efficient your product development journey can be. At every step of the process and with every piece of the puzzle, EBV Elektronik and onsemi give you the support to reach further and build better IoT-enabled solutions for your customers.

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Complete support with robust capabilities

You’re an expert. Your knowledge enables you to innovate in ways only you can — but it also limits your focus to your discipline. To successfully harness the power of technology in today’s increasingly competitive and constantly changing markets, you’ll need to address critical considerations along the way.

That’s where we come in. EBV Elektronik has built an end-to-end ecosystem of capabilities that supports you at any — or every — stage of your journey.



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Get started with our IoTConnect® Platform today

The IoTConnect® Platform is our cloud-based, highly scalable software platform. Its ability to facilitate data storage, app creation, and device communication and management make it an ideal platform for creating advanced IoT solutions. In this whitepaper, you’ll learn all you need to know to harness its potential.

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Talk to an EBV expert today
to begin your IoT product development journey.