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EBV Elektronik

EBV Elektronik, an Avnet company, was founded in 1969 and is the leading specialist in European semiconductor distribution. EBV maintains its successful strategy of personal commitment to customers and excellent services. 240 Technical Sales Specialists provide a strong focus on a selected group of long-term manufacturing partners. 120 continuously trained Application Specialists offer extensive application know-how and design expertise. With the EBVchips Program, EBV, together with its customers, defines and develops new semiconductor products. Targeted customers in selected growth markets will be supported by the Vertical Sales Segments. Warehouse operations, complete logistics solutions and value-added services such as programming, taping & reeling and laser marking are fulfilled by Avnet Logistics, EBV’s logistical backbone and Europe’s largest service center. EBV operates from 65 offices in 29 countries throughout EMEA.

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The impact of Qvar technology in sensor technology and its practical applications
By Uros Mali   -   February 5, 2024
Technical article
This article aims to provide a comprehensive introduction to Qvar, outlining its features, potential uses, and its embodiment in the STEVAL-MKBOXPRO, to understand Qvar's capabilities and its applicability in real-world scenarios.
Industrial communication via SPE technology
By Karl Lehnhoff   -   January 25, 2023
Technical article
Wholesale adoption of Industry 4.0 is now a major goal for manufacturing sites around the globe, bringing a multitude of different benefits.
Bringing vital signs monitoring into the wearable domain
By Borut Kastelic   -   December 21, 2022
Technical article
This article investigates the validity of moving vital signs monitoring out of the clinical environment and making it more reliant on wearable devices.
Powering building alarm systems and driving LEDs
By Bernard Vincens   -   October 3, 2022
Technical article
This article investigates the technical considerations for powering building alarm control systems, sensors, and indicator panels, emphasising power conversion efficiency and achieving a low power consumption profile.
An introduction to EV charger design: the power stages
September 19, 2022
Technical article
Semiconductors are key to efficiency, low cost, small size and ultimately commercial success of electric vehicle DC chargers. In this blog we consider some of the trends, options and their tradeoffs.
An engineers' guide to watchdog supervisors and wired communication interfaces in building control HMIs
By Bernard Vincens   -   September 14, 2022
Technical article
This article investigates some of the causes of unpredictable system behaviour and highlights components that can prevent it from happening.
Mehr Effizienz Im Gesundheitswesen
August 3, 2022
Technical article
Daher wandert auch hier immer mehr intelligenz in die fläche; wearables können heute vitaldaten nicht nur erfassen, sondern auch analysieren. Intelligente assistenten unterstützen die mitarbeiter an den unterschiedlichsten stationen.
Greater Efficiency in Healthcare
August 3, 2022
Technical article
Intelligence is increasingly migrating to the edge: not only can wearables today record vital data, they can also analyse this information instantly. Smart assistants support employees in healthcare in an incredible variety of ways.
Lernende Roboter Passen Sich An Ihre Aufgaben Und Umgebung An
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Technical article
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How Learning Robots are Adapting to Their Tasks and Environment
August 2, 2022
Technical article
While robots required complicated programming by experts in the past, the systems will be able to teach themselves how to carry out their tasks in the future. This will allow robots to adapt autonomously to changing surrounding circumstances
Von Der Vorausschauenden Wartung Bis Zum Kollaborativen Roboter
August 1, 2022
Technical article
Die KI kann zum Wachstumsmotor für die Industrie werden: Alleine in Deutschland könnte bis 2030 das Bruttoinlandsprodukt durch den frühen und konsequenten um bis zu vier Prozent höher liegen als ohne den Einsatz von KI
From Predictive Maintenance to Collaborative Robots
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Technical article
AI and machine learning are exploiting opportunities in connection with Industry 4.0 in particular because enabling a production operation to organize itself autonomously and respond flexibly takes huge volumes of data.
Smart Cameras Keep Everything Squarely in Their Sights
July 29, 2022
Technical article
Smart cameras can process imagery autonomously before initiating responses of their own accord. In industrial applications, they are used for quality control or to control plants and systems.
Investigating the technical considerations for analog components used in motion control drives
By Milan Ivkovic   -   May 19, 2022
Technical article
This article explores the importance of the motor drive power supply, current sensing of the drive circuits, and using ultrasound for condition-based monitoring.
Choosing analog sensor and power management parts for factory automation smart sensor nodes
By Milan Ivkovic   -   May 4, 2022
Technical article
Read about fundamental technical considerations when selecting analog sensor and power management components used for factory automation applications.
Achieving precision analog to digital conversion in test and measurement applications
By Milan Ivkovic   -   April 8, 2022
Technical article
Instrumentation systems take the raw sensor data, amplify it, condition the signals to remove unwanted artefacts, and then analog to digital converters process the data ready for digital control systems.
Analog and power management considerations for low power asset tracker design
By Milan Ivkovic   -   April 8, 2022
Technical article
Compact, robust, battery-powered wireless asset trackers are regularly attached to shipping containers and pallets to keep customers and suppliers informed of delivery progress.
Improved Security in IoT Systems
By Christian Krieber   -   November 4, 2019
Technical article
The rapid growth of the Internet of Things (IoT) is making increasing demands on microcontrollers (MCUs) for both performance and connectivity. Local processing is needed at the edge to perform ever more complex processing of data.
The role of security in the new era of IoT innovations
By Christian Krieber   -   October 31, 2019
Technical article
The IoT is one of the fastest growing technological revolutions the world has ever seen
KI-Pionier Minsky: Vorläufig tot?
March 4, 2019
Technical article
Das Gehirn funktioniert wie eine Maschine, so die ­These von einem der wichtigsten Pioniere der ­Künstlichen Intelligenz. Also kann man es nach­bauen – und sich durch ein Back-up des Bewusstseins auf einem Rechner unsterblich machen.
AI-pioneer Minsky: Temporarily dead?
March 4, 2019
Technical article
The brain functions like a machine, or so according to the theory of Marvin Minsky, one of the most important pioneers of artificial intelligence. In other words, it can be recreated – made immortal by backing up its consciousness onto a computer.
Neuronale netze simulieren das gehirn
February 27, 2019
Technical article
Mit verschiedenen Ansätzen der Datenauswertung sollen Maschinen intelligent werden. Im ­Fokus steht dabei nicht nur die Leistungsfähigkeit, ­sondern immer mehr auch eine Flexibilität, wie sie das menschliche Gehirn bietet.
Ist KI besser als der arzt?
February 27, 2019
Technical article
Kognitive Computerassistenten helfen Medizinern bei Diagnose- und Therapieentscheidungen. ­Sie sind deutlich schneller bei der Auswertung von medizinischen Informationen und erreichen ­mindestens die gleiche Präzision.
AI better than the doctor?
February 27, 2019
Technical article
Cognitive computer assistants are helping clinicians to make diagnostic and therapeutic ­decisions. They evaluate medical­ data much faster, while ­delivering at least the same level of precision.
Neuronal networks simulating the brain
February 27, 2019
Technical article
Machines are being made more intelligent based on a variety of data analysis methods. The focus of these efforts is shifting increasingly from mere performance capability towards creating the kind of flexibility that the human brain achieves.
Ist Teleportation möglich?
February 25, 2019
Technical article
In den Star-Trek-Filmen werden Menschen einfach per Knopfdruck von einem Ort zum anderen gebeamt. Was nach reiner ­Science Fiction klingt, ist dank der Quanten­physik heute tatsächlich schon Realität.
AI Smarter than humans?
February 25, 2019
Technical article
What began in the 1950s with a conference has grown into a ­key technology. It is already influencing our lives today, and as the intelligence of machines increases in the future that influence is bound to spread much more.
In eine kabellose Zukunft dank drahtloser Kommunikation
February 22, 2019
Technical article
Das Internet der ­Dinge wird ­zunehmend zur Realität, immer mehr ­Maschinen, Geräte, Gegenstände und letztlich auch Menschen ver­netzen sich.
Is teleportation possible?
February 22, 2019
Technical article
In Star Trek, people are simply beamed from one place to another at the push of a button. What sounds like pure science fiction is actually already reality today thanks to quantum physics …
Smart City Projekte und Technologien
February 21, 2019
Technical article
Smart Cities leben von einer Vielzahl an Informationen, die von Menschen, Geräten und ­Sensoren übertragen werden.
Höhere Vernetzung, Geringerer Stromverbrauch
February 21, 2019
Technical article
Mit der explodierenden Zahl an vernetzten Geräten und dem rasant steigenden Datenvolumen rückt die ­Energieeffizienz der Wireless-Technologie zunehmend in den Fokus.
Smart networks for smarter cities
February 20, 2019
Technical article
Smart cities subsist on a large amount of information which is transmitted by people, ­devices and sensors. A wide range of wireless technologies is used for this purpose, depending on the application in question.
Higher networking, lower power consumption
February 20, 2019
Technical article
Due to the explosion in the number of networked devices and the rapidly increasing data volumes, energy efficiency is becoming increasingly important when it comes to wireless technologies.
The Future of the Wireless Technology
February 14, 2019
Technical article
The Internet of Thing is increasingly becoming reality. Ever more machines, devices, objects and - last but not least - people are becomig interlinked.
Smarte Kameras Haben Alles Sicher im Blick
February 14, 2019
Technical article
Smarte Kameras mit integrierter Intelligenz können Bilder autark verarbeiten und eigenständig Aktionen auslösen. In der Industrie werden sie zur Qualitätskontrolle oder zur Steuerung von Anlagen eingesetzt.
Crossover Embedded Processors
By Ulrich Schmidt   -   December 17, 2018
Technical article
At the heart of thousands of smart, connected IoT products are embedded processors
Ist KI schlauer als der Mensch?
February 27, 2017
Technical article
Was in den 1950ern mit einer Konferenz der KI-Pioniere John McCarthy und Marvin Minsky begann, ist zu einer Schlüsseltechnologie ­geworden.­ Sie beeinflusst schon heute­ ­unser Leben – und wird es mit steigender Intelligenz der Maschinen in Zu