Broadcom I Exploring Applications And Potential | EBV Elektronik

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Broadcom I Exploring Applications And Potential | EBV Elektronik

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Broadcom I A Glimpse into the Invisible World of Near-Infrared (NIR): Exploring Applications and Potential

Online, On Demand

Live Presentation Date: June 11, 2024 I 15:00 CEST 


In this webinar, we will explain the principles and practical implementation of infrared (IR) LEDs and photodetectors in applications like smoke detection systems, surveillance cameras, safety light curtains and smart utility meters. We will explore the recent technological advancements of IR LEDs and provide an in-depth analysis on their functionalities and advantages, as well as introducing Broadcom’s IR family portfolio.



For decades, infrared (IR) technology has primarily relied on conventional light sources like incandescent bulbs and gas lamps. However, the development of LEDs in the 1960s marked a significant turning point as one of the more efficient and versatile alternative sources. While IR radiation is often produced by conventional light sources as a byproduct of their operation, IR LEDs are engineered to utilize the unique properties of IR radiation that extend far beyond mere heating. In the context of IR LED development, the near-IR (NIR) range of IR LEDs, particularly 800 nm-940 nm, has gained substantial attention in driving innovation across diverse fields, including smoke detection systems, surveillance cameras, safety light curtains, and smart utility meters. Moving beyond their role in illumination, these IR LEDs are recognized for their invisibility and high compatibility with silicon-based photodetectors, enabling improved sensitivity in smoke detection, discreet 24/7 monitoring in surveillance cameras, fast-response detection in safety curtains, and accurate energy monitoring in smart meters.


Key takeaways

  • Discover the principles of IR LEDs and how they work in the field
  • Learn what to consider when designing IR LEDs into your systems for different applications, like smoke detection systems and safety light curtains
  • Find out the benefits of IR LEDs versus other solutions
  • Gain insights into the Broadcom IR LED portfolio



Daniele Ferrini, LED Business Development Manager, EMEA, Broadcom Inc.

Daniele Ferrini has been an LED Business Developer Manager at Broadcom since 2021. He has been instrumental in seeding LED technology across different applications in the industrial ecosystem in Southern Europe. His optoelectronics´ experience includes the design of visible LEDs in visual and signaling devices and the application of IR technology for sensing and controlling. Daniele Ferrini holds a Master Degree in Electronic Engineering from University of Rome Sapienza in Italy.




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Broadcom I Exploring Applications And Potential | EBV Elektronik

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