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Asset Monitoring

Get the most from your valuable assets

Contact the EBV Elektronik IoT Solutions team



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Streamline asset management using IoT data

Asset Monitoring puts all your assets into a simple and informative dashboard. Submit tickets, locate assets and check statistics from one streamlined user interface.

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Accelerate asset monitoring

Capture asset data

Adding sensors to your assets generates the raw data needed to provide total visibility into your organization.

See everything in real time

Configurable dashboards provide a single window into the location and health of your assets.

Track assets online

Track your assets and locate high-value items faster using integrated mapping.

Manage maintenance

Use real-time data to monitor the health of your assets and predict maintenance requirements.

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Inside EBV Elektronik's Asset Monitoring accelerator

Asset monitoring is enabled by the IoT. It combines data, workflows, and analysis, represented as consolidated information. This single pane delivers insights into the location, condition and capabilities of assets. It can be applied across all vertical sectors including manufacturing, energy, enterprise, commerce, and healthcare. EBV Elektronik's accelerator technology provides the foundation for asset monitoring solutions, with easily customized modules that have been developed for seamless integration into leading cloud platforms.

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