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Integrating with IoT Platforms

Take advantage of industry-leading IoT technology

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Cloud platforms designed for IoT

Connecting a device to the internet is the first step towards an IoT solution. Every device, however small, needs an entire infrastructure behind it. The data each device produces needs to be collected and analyzed. This is where the industry's leading IoT cloud platform provides, like Microsoft and Amazon Web Services, excel. EBV Elektronik works with these providers and makes it easier for you to work with them, too. That may include adding a gateway device to aggregate your smart sensor data from the field and prepare it for the cloud. It will also include security for your devices and the data they produce, using certificates.

The ongoing management of a connected device will require security updates delivered over-the-air. The administration of OTA updates can be challenging but it's essential they are carried out as soon as an update becomes available. Cloud platforms provide the mechanisms for administering OTA security updates.

Another important aspect of any IoT device is the human interface. We think of IoT being entirely autonomous but in the majority of industries it is still essential to keep humans in the loop. A cloud platform will provide easy ways to display IoT data using dashboards that can be customized for your application.

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Better user management

Cloud platforms also help manage users, through features such as user enrollment and group management. These features provide a way for OEMs to deliver services to their customers, giving them access to the essential capabilities of the solution while still maintaining overall administrative control. Cloud platforms are a key element of any successful IoT solution. EBV Elektronik's IoT products and services, including IoTConnect®, have been developed to accelerate your success. Work with EBV Elektronik and build on the powerful features of leading cloud platforms, and make IoT work for you.

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The IoTConnect difference

The IoT Connection Challenge

Modern cloud platforms run on microservices. This provides a scalable and flexible way of developing IoT applications. However, OEMs now have to develop the interfaces (APIs) that connect their smart devices to the microservices inside the cloud platform. They also need to integrate additional features, like artificial intelligence, security and analytics.

The IoTConnect Solution

Using IoTConnect, OEMs can avoid the expense and risk of developing APIs to microservices inside cloud platforms. This shortens the development time and greatly lowers the cost and risk of developing an IoT application. IoTConnect also integrates with features such as artificial intelligence, security and analytics, meaning the OEM can now focus on their added value.

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