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Automotive & Aerospace

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Automotive & aerospace overview

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Automotive technologies have progressed by leaps and bounds over the last few years. With industry competition as it is today, the optimisation of your time-to-market is more important than ever. Getting your product out of the door faster is a major contributor to the future success of your business.

That is where EBV comes in. Our specialist team of automotive and aerospace experts has the knowledge and experience to bring your innovative idea to life – fast.

Whether you are developing tomorrow’s flying car, a connected bike or even a low-earth orbiting satellite, we can help you solve your challenges. Design support, help with technical specifications and commercial questions – those are just a few of the services we offer. Not forgetting our decades of experience in solving logistical and supply-chain challenges! 

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Aircrafts are the safest form of transportation. They are highly expensive and therefore the airlines try to minimise the time spent on the ground for maintenance, etc. Reliability is therefore held in the highest regard. The space market consists of advanced avionics applications with even stricter requirements. Space technology is mission driven.

Aerospace, the high reliability market, is not defined as a separate product group, but a way of building components so they operate in harsh environments without failure. For example, when it comes to developing a weather station on Mount Everest or an observation station directly on an active volcanic crater, where significantly higher levels of radiation or extreme temperature and atmospheric pressures prevail, EBV Elektronik provides the appropriate support.

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