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Innovation World Cup

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EBV Winner Hall of Fame

EBV - Innovation Hero - Winner 2024-25 Mixed Media (MM)

Winner 2024/25

8th EBV Innovation Hero
Coming soon

EBV - Innovation Hero - Winner 2023-24 Mixed Media (MM)

Winner 2023/24

7th EBV Innovation Hero - Allye Energy

The world's most advanced battery storage solution, reducing energy costs by up to 70% by storing cheap power, reducing excess charges, and providing high power when needed to solve for grid constraints. Allye Energy provides distributed energy storage solutions, including repurposed electric vehicle batteries, to deliver clean power for industries such as film and television, aiming to reduce carbon emissions and promote sustainability.

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EBV - Innovation Hero - Winner 2022-23 Mixed Media (MM)

Winner 2022/23

6th EBV Innovation Hero - Dryad Networks GmbH

Early detection of wildfires using AI-enabled IoT gas sensors utilizing a large-scale solar-powered mesh network.

Dryad Networks GmbH is a German environmental IoT startup specializing in ultra-early wildfire detection and forest monitoring solutions. Their system utilizes solar-powered sensors and a proprietary wireless network to detect wildfires during the smoldering phase, providing rapid alerts to forest managers and firefighting agencies.

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EBV - Innovation Hero - Winner 2021-22 Mixed Media (MM)

Winner 2021/22

5th EBV Innovation Hero
Ladon Energy - Ladon energy box optimizes energy flow

Ladon Energy GmbH develops the Ladon energy box that optimizes energy flow by detecting the energetic fingerprint from one single point of installation, and showing which appliance is turned on and how much energy is consumed without being attached to a dedicated device.

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EBV - Innovation Hero - Hall of Fame Winner 1 Mixed Media (MM)

Winner 2020/21

BeFC – Bioenzymatic Fuel Cells

BeFC (France) make electricity from papers and enzymes. The company has developed a breakthrough innovation that allows generation of energy via biocatalysis using enzymes and carbon paper, suitable for powering microcontrollers, displays, sensors and wireless transceivers.

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EBV - Innovation Hero - Winner 2 Mixed Media (MM)

Winner 2019/20


Soil Research Logger (DS Logger 500 + Sensor DSM 600) helps to identify and resolve the soil compaction problem and hold general soil research to improve crop yields. DS Logger 500 is a unique multifunctional device for measuring soil compaction, air temperature and air humidity. Together with sensor DSM 600, it measures soil temperature, soil moisture, and soil conductivity. Use the Soil Research Logger during the entire vegetation period for making correct and timely decisions concerning irrigation.

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Background Information

What is the Innovation World Cup?

The INNOVATION WORLD CUP is the leading IoT award worldwide. Every year, hundreds of contestants from over 70 countries demonstrate the huge innovation potential of the Internet of Things.

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EBV Innovation Hero

For more information, please visit the Innovation Worldcup Website!

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EBV - Innovation hero - Winner 3 Mixed Media (MM)

Winner 2018/19

And the EBV IoT Hero 2018/19 goes to….

Arion with their smart insoles for running shoes (the Netherlands)

ARION provides a solution, bringing the coaching experience to the world of wearables through innovative ultra-thin smart insoles and an advanced AI coaching engine that make cutting edge exercise sciences accessible to all runners. ARION guides users to improve their running technique sustainably, helping to reduce the risk of injury and improve performance so they can stay active, and run longer, safer, and further.

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EBV - Innovation Hero - Winner 4 Mixed Media (MM)

Winner 2017/18

Luke Roberts
Luke Roberts develops the world’s first smart design lamp that allows you to move the light in any direction without moving the lamp. With simple print gestures on your phone you can have bright light on the couch for reading, dimmed light on the table for dinner and colored indirect light for relaxing. The lamp also learns from your behaviour and turns on the most likely light scene based on usage pattern, time of day and surrounding light. The smartness is in the lamp and does not require internet access or other smart home devices.
Luke Roberts consists of a team of experienced hardware and software developers and the founders have several years of experience as management consultants.

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The World's First Smart Design Lamp


EBV - Innovation Hero - Heracles Grid Box Light (GBL)



Heraclesuino 224G is a full development kit allowing the design of a connected application in few steps. It includes all the necessary features of most of the mobile and non-mobile IoT applications.

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EBV Innovation Hero

For more information, please visit the Innovation Worldcup Website!