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Technical Support

Technical Support

Technical support


50 years of operation have taught us one thing: If our customers are successful, then we are successful!

You want a partner that can contribute to your own differentiation. You want to lead by innovation, have rapid time to market and reduced costs. Simultaneously, technological complexities continuously increase while less support is available from manufacturers. A significant challenge.

That is why we developed into a high-tech service company. We know the market, the products and the applications better than anybody else. We provide a strong team of 226 sales and 112 technology specialists, who are capable of locally supporting our customers at every stage of their projects - from concept to production. Why is this so important? The optimisation of time and cost starts with the idea for a new product. 90% of all costs and the majority of problems that arise at a later stage of a design start at the beginning and not at the point of buying the components. It is precisely here that the strengths of our application specialists play the most important part. The earlier we know about your project, the more will you profit from our know-how.


EBV Elektronik redefines design support

In a move to further leverage its semiconductor and solutions competence, EBV Elektronik provides you with its redefined three-dimensional design support strategy which includes:

  • A Design Partner Network
  • Pan-European Competence Teams
  • A Knowledge Database

All three elements of EBV’s strategy are set to increase the FAE’s efficiency on customer projects and reduce design cycle time. To actually make the strategy work, it is essential to institutionalise the information sharing process in the daily communications, not just by formal tools or resources, but also by maintaining a long-proven team spirit between the specialist groups and the FAE community. Therefore, all FAEs meet at least two times a year for collective training, exchange of information and a better understanding of each other.

Competence teams 

The second dimension of EBV’s technical competence concept is based upon the Competence Teams. Consisting of highly specialised FAEs with very specific product or application knowledge, these teams’ know-how is available for EBV’s 110 FAEs throughout Europe and basically multiplies specific competence for a wider re-use. Very often, design problems that occur in one project reappear in others in recognisable patterns.

Due to traditional regional organisation of distributors, competence of FAEs isn’t shared. To leverage EBV’s technical team know-how, EBV has networked FAEs with common product or application expertise to form these competence teams.

Some of these teams have already been active for a few years. EBV now provides nine such teams in the fields of digital signal processing, programmable logic solutions, power electronics, microcontrollers, analogue & sensors, high-end embedded processing, networking and telecom solutions, general lighting, control networks, wireless technologies, Bluetooth™ & WLAN and automotive.

Knowledge base

The third dimension is online. To retain innovative solutions to different design problems that have been encountered already, EBV has introduced its KnowledgeBase. This database contains detailed specifications of EBV manufacturer’s electronic components. Furthermore, all FAEs report the problems with the solutions that they have found. Duplicated efforts and exhaustive search efforts are thus minimized in the design-in phase and the time-to-solution is significantly shortened.


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About EBV Elektronik

EBV will remain the leading specialist in EMEA semiconductor distribution by being the partner of choice for its customers, suppliers and employees.

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Logistic Solutions

Supported by flexible and state-of-the-art tools, our experienced logistics specialists secure rapid and efficient implementation of customised supply-chain-management concepts.

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About us

Quality Management

Avnet Logistics is the result of a spin-off of a formerly EBV owned Warehouse and Programming Centre using all of EBV’s more than 40 years of experience, practice and well established resources to provide even better services to the market.