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The future of analog electronic components

The market for solutions in the “Analog & Power” segment is poised for significant growth. High-performance analog components are increasingly in demand from the consumer electronics sector – including smartphones, tablets, and smart home devices – due to their crucial role in signal processing and power management. Technological advancements, such as the rapid expansion of the Internet of Things (IoT) with its multitude of sensors, are further driving this growth. Additional momentum comes from the automotive sector, with its growing number of electronic systems.

Meanwhile, technologies like AI applications and 5G networks also rely on Analog & Power solutions to enhance energy efficiency, enable faster data processing, and achieve higher data transfer rates.

Energy-efficient power electronics are driving the electrical transformation of the world's energy and industrial infrastructure. Advanced power conversion technologies improve the efficiency and decarbonisation of energy-intensive processes and systems, helping to accelerate the energy transition in the transport, energy and industrial sectors. Power conversion is at the heart of the electrification of tomorrow's energy.

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More efficiency, greater robustness, smaller size – key trends in analog components

The semiconductor industry has responded to these challenges with solutions that simplify the design complexity of analog applications. One key advancement is the integration of multiple functional elements into a single component, reducing user-level complexity and minimising the risk of design errors.

Moreover, new semiconductor materials such as silicon carbide and gallium nitride enable components with continuously improving efficiency. This not only boosts the energy efficiency of systems but also allows assemblies to become increasingly compact.


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Technology trends in brief


The use of new semiconductor materials, known as wide-bandgap (WBG) semiconductors, can significantly enhance the efficiency and power density of devices. Silicon carbide (SiC) is primarily utilised in high-voltage high-power applications, while gallium nitride (GaN) is preferred for highest energy density applications.
With their higher switching speeds and greater power density, developing technologies enable significant space and weight savings. New power semiconductor packages shrink the design and enable different cooling concepts.
Power semiconductors reduce the burden of heat dissipation. Innovative housings can accommodate increasing power in ever-smaller dimensions while protecting sensitive circuits. Integrating multiple chips along with components such as inductors, capacitors, and sensors into a single housing also enhances system reliability.
Multifunctional electronic systems integrate various functions and components into a single compact housing, often combining multiple chips from different technologies. Examples include a controller with a power semiconductor or a data converter paired with a microcontroller and a high-voltage amplifier.



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On the pulse of time with solutions from EBV

The semiconductor solutions in our Analog & Power portfolio span a wide range of applications and technologies. Our experts assist you in selecting the most suitable solutions for your project, helping you maximise your products’ potential and secure a decisive competitive advantage.


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