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EMEA_Corporate Social Responsibility_Hero

Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG)

EMEA ESG Overview Intro (LC)

ESG: The heart of a great company

“The principles of resiliency and sustainability have been the bedrock of Avnet’s business for 100 years. After the past year’s events — a global pandemic, the consequences of climate change and the urgent need for more diversity and inclusion in business and society — these principles are even more relevant.”
– Avnet CEO Phil Gallagher

As Avnet moves forward, we are intensifying our focus on our environmental, social and governance (ESG) performance.

Environmental Sustainability - (MM)

Environment: sustainability and climate

At Avnet we’re focusing on business practices that not only ensure sustainability for the company, but also make our society and world at large a better place through environmental sustainability. We believe it makes good business sense to understand, be aware of, and proactively work on ways we can be an environmentally friendly global company. It’s why we measure our carbon footprint and other environmental impacts, and strive to build greener buildings. Our goal is to continually improve our processes and evolve our policies so that we can reduce our impact on the planet.

Learn more about Avnet’s efforts in Environmental Sustainability.
Or read about our REACH and RoHS Compliance.

CSR Diversity and Inclusion (MM)

Social: people and communities

Avnet’s employees are its most important stakeholders and the Avnet Code of Conduct sets standards and expectations for a workplace that prioritizes health and safety, fair labor practices, equal opportunity and diversity and inclusion (D&I). We prohibit discrimination, harassment and retaliation.

Diversity, Equity & Inclusion: DEI is central to our culture and organization. We derive our greatest value and strongest competitive business advantage by seeking unique perspectives, experiences and contributions from our diverse global team. When employees feel they belong, they’re more engaged, innovative and productive. By fostering a sense of inclusion, modeling inclusive behaviors and empowering leaders with appropriate resources, Avnet unleashes the full potential of our workforce.

Read more about Diversity and Inclusion at Avnet and find useful information like the UK Gender Pay Gap Report in Diversity and Inclusion.

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Community Engagement

Community Engagement: Understanding the power of working together, we partner with suppliers, customers and vendors to maximize our impact in the community. We also back up that commitment with financial support by investing in programs and projects in our communities targeted at improving STEM (science, technology, engineering and math) education, promoting environmental conservation and diversity.

That sense of responsibility spreads throughout the company. Our employee-led volunteer initiative, Avnet Cares, supports employees who are making a difference through hands-on and skills-based volunteering.

Learn more about Avnet’s impact in Community Engagement.

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Corporate governance: ethics and compliance

Ethically and environmentally sound business practices are fundamental to Avnet’s culture and identity. At Avnet, “we mean what we say, we respect others and we do business the right way.” Our aim is to promote fairness, seek to prevent corruption and unethical behavior, and provide accountability for actions.

We train our employees to identify and avoid potential corruption, and we insist on compliance with trade, anti-corruption and other laws. We are also careful to select resellers and other business partners who share our commitment to clean business practices.

Learn more about Avnet’s focus on Ethics and Governance.

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Human rights

Human rights are rights inherent to all human beings, regardless of their characteristics. Everyone is entitled to these rights, without discrimination. 

Avnet values and seeks to uphold basic human rights in all our operations, and obligates its supply-chain partners to uphold the same standards. Avnet shall strive by awareness and education to promote respect for these rights and freedoms.

Learn more about Avnet’s efforts in Human rights.

Flags from different countries lined up in a row on flag poles with the sun setting in the background
EMEA ESG Due Dilligence Teaser (MM)

Supply Chain Due Diligence

Avnet can only be successful in business and conduct their business in a responsible manner if our business activities are in harmony with Environment, Social and Governance (ESG) standards. Our Responsible Sourcing Approach includes ESG criteria to ensure more environmentally friendly, socially acceptable, and ethically righteous supply chain activities. As a key pillar of our responsible sourcing approach, Avnet implemented a due diligence process to identify, asses, prevent and stop human rights and environmental risks and violations. The due diligence obligations apply not only to Avnet’s own business activities and those of its subsidiaries, but equally to its entire value chain. Avnet’s due diligence process complies with the current, common European laws (such as the German Supply Chain Due Diligence act [LkSG], which recently added a legal foundation for responsible supply chain management).

Lean more about Avnet’s Supply Chain Due Diligence program 

EMEA FY24 CSR report (RRD)

FY24 Sustainability Report

Learn more about Avnet’s environmental, social and economic impact as well as our governance related to performance, risks and opportunities.

EMEA CSR Code of Conduct (RRCD)

Code of conduct

Our commitment to our stakeholders that they can count on us to operate with respect, honesty and fairness in all interactions.

Learn More
EMEA_CSR_Core Values RRC

True to Our Core

Learn more about the values that drive our global business and our people forward every day

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