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Check out the latest podcasts from Avnet’s teams in EMEA.

EMEA Podcast table all SB (LC)

Avnet Abacus Podcast: The Technology Addicts

Join "The Technology Addicts" podcast by Avnet Abacus, a leading European distributor of cutting-edge tech products. Explore the exciting world of interconnect, passive, electromechanical, power supply, energy storage, wireless & sensor products and solutions with our inspiring interview guests.

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SI Podcast (LC)

We Talk IoT, the Smart Industry Podcast

Welcome to We talk IoT, a regular series of podcasts from the editors of Smart Industry – the IoT Business Magazine. Our podcast keeps you up to date on the most important developments in the world of IoT, IIoT, Artificial Intelligence and Cognitive Computing. 

This podcast is brought to you by Avnet Silica in cooperation with Microsoft.

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EBV Podcast (LC)

EBV’s Podcast Passion for Technology

Techies watch out! Our new podcast Passion for Technology is dedicated to the latest technologies, trends and applications in the electronics industry. Listen to our latest episodes about SiC & GaN, Wearables or Robotics. Tune in now and dive into the world of semiconductors! Only small parts of the episodes are already available now. More are on the way!

To make sure you don't miss an episode, follow our podcast on your favorite platform. And if you like it, we are happy about a positive rating. But now open your ears and enjoy.

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