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Avnet Supply Chain Solutions


Your perfect partner

Our services and solutions have been developed specifically to reduce costs, streamline materials management processes, and improve information flows between Avnet and its customers. Read about how our range of leading supply chain and B2B services can be tailored to you and help you drive efficiency and be more competitive – both now and in the future.


Solid planning leads to an efficient supply-chain

The greatest breakthroughs in innovation require an effective supply-chain strategy and solution implementation to realize their full potential. At Avnet, we take pride in seeing you achieve goals beyond what you thought possible. Our supply-chain solutions are often the foundation on which this success is built.

What makes Avnet unique when it comes to supply-chain solutions, not to mention what our customers appreciate the most, is our assessment and planning methods. Any solution we create is specific to your requirements and optimized for your strategy. We follow the Supply-Chain Operations Reference (SCOR) methodology to create your tailored solution from our validated, proven services.



Avnet SCS presents:


Our Supply Chain Solutions

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Ask your Supply Chain Specialist

Our regional Specialists are on hand to help you

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Vendor Management Inventory

Choosing Avnet’s VMI solution enables you to reduce the time and cost of inventory tracking and administration.

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It is the forecast that drives how we all allocate our company’s resources.

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Avnet’s Kanban solutions were developed to provide an alternative to traditional push-based replenishment techniques.

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Value Added Services

Our product modification services include bar coding, tape and reeling, programming and many other services.

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Avnet’s consignment solutions help you meet your goals of swift and reliable replenishment with a delay in ownership until the actual point of consumption.


ASAP Program

Avnet’s Supply Chain Accelerator Program (ASAP) encompasses our whole approach to providing tailored supply chain solutions to our customers.

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Supply Chain Navigator

Check out the latest issue of Supply Chain Navigator - the supply chain publication of Avnet.

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B2B Solutions

B2B Solutions


Traditional EDI

Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) has revolutionised the way trading partners send structured business data to each other.

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Avnet’s Pareto solution provides a seamless supply of lower cost components - it frees you up to focus on A items where there are fewer line items but with a higher value.

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With our AMICON service, our goal is to provide our partners with accurate supply chain data that can be uploaded into their own IT systems automatically.

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The TICIO data exchange platform helps smaller companies to put order information into the different data exchange formats required by different industries.

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Avnet’s innovative, web-based POURS system is a turnkey solution for customers who wish to use bar code scanning as a trigger for efficient replenishment.



RaBET is Avnet’s free, exclusive Rapid Benefits Estimation Tool. With very little customer data, RaBET shows you the true cost savings you will experience by adding Avnet as your supply chain partner.

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Our Publications

AVNET Supply Chain Solutions provides customers with the key differentiators to succeed in a fast-paced, globally competitive environment.

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