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Traditional EDI

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Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) has revolutionised the way trading partners send structured business data to each other – not least because it has dramatically decreased the time, effort, expense and risk of errors involved in manual information sharing.  

Avnet’s traditional EDI capability covers the full range of electronic transactions from forecast to orders, and from shipment notification to invoicing. All transactions are based on the EDIFICE standards commonly used in high-tech industries. The benefit to you of this rigorous standards-based approach is swift and efficient implementation.

When you adopt Avnet’s Traditional EDI offer, you’ll be automating manual tasks and generating savings in time and money. In addition, you’ll find that both parties – your company and Avnet – can react and adapt much faster to changing conditions. It’s a smart choice for improved efficiency and quality between trading partners.

We also offer web-based EDI solutions to partners who want to reap the benefits of this B2B service but have not yet invested in the infrastructure required to support traditional EDI solutions. It’s a great way to get started with EDI now!

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