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Windows Embedded POSReady 7 Tutorials, Downloads and Links

Below you will find some useful links.

Avnet also offers exclusive tutorials, downloads and licensing information, but please be aware that some content is only available after registration.

General Windows Embedded POSReady 7 Links


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To get full access to all tutorials, videos and downloads, please register and request access to the Windows Embedded POSReady 7 exclusive content area:   Request access


General Windows Embedded POSReady 7 Downloads, Tutorials and Training Videos

Windows Embedded POSReady 7 Overview Presentation
Video: POSReady 7 Business training
Introducing Windows Embedded POSReady 7
Windows Embedded POSReady 7 Addressing Common Retail and OEM Scenarios
Securing Your Windows Embedded POSReady 7 Device
How to add the Embedded Enabling Feature packages to POSReady7
Video: Posready 7 technical training part 1
Video: Posready 7 technical training part 2


Windows® POSReady 7 Licensing

The licensing and pricing for Microsoft POSReady is very simple. There is only one SKU (license) available. The POSReady license is version and language independant.

A license stickers (COA) must be attached on every system. It can be sticked somewhere inside the system, on an easy accessible location.

Available Microsoft licenses for POSReady

To see all available Microsoft licenses for Windows® Embedded POSReady and their EOL, please click here to   Request access


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