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Embedded Software

MSe Embedded Software Overview Into (LC)

Embedded Software Overview

Microsoft provides the technologies and expertise you need to capitalize on the Internet of Things by building an intelligent system to gather, store and analyze your organization’s data. From devices on the edge of your network, to back-end systems and services, the data that flows through your enterprise will drive a new level of business intelligence. This all is made possible with the various Windows Embedded software solutions tailor-made to satisfy your business needs.

Microsoft differentiates between the product availability and the timeline of support. The product availability is the timeframe, in which the software can be distributed by manufacturers. This period ends with the End of License – EOL. Until the EOL date, embedded/IoT OEMs are allowed to sell their solutions with the licensed software.

Support or lifecycle period means the time from the product introduction until a specific date, Microsoft provides support for the software. The lifecycle for support ends normally on an earlier or the same date than the EOL. There are different support options, depending on the lifecycle of the product.

See EOL and lifecycle data


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MSe Overview Support Lifecycle Win10IoTE image (LC)

MSe Overview Support Lifecycle Embedded image (LC)

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More details about the support can be found at


MSe Overview table (LC)

Product Overview

Classic Operating Systems (OS)

Create a secure, intelligent system that generates richer operational intelligence.


Simplify management and ease of deployment, go beyond inventory tracking and get comprehensive access to information.

Embedded OS

Bring intelligent systems to market that stand out through attractive, intuitive user experiences
and seamless connections to cloud services.

Server Systems

Automate management tasks, tighten security, improve efficiency, increase availability in server appliances.

Windows Embedded Channel

The Windows Embedded Channel is an independent OEM channel beside the "normal" Desktop, Systembuilder and EPG division, focussed on industrial "Embedded" Systems.