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Digi Title (MT)

Digi International

Digi Introduction (MM)

Digi International, Inc. (Digi) was formed in 1985—long before anyone coined the term the Internet of Things. Digi has always focused on connecting things, starting with intelligent multiport serial boards for PCs.

Always connected

As wireless data technologies evolved, Digi invented right along with it, expanding the product lines with RF modules, gateways, and cellular routers to build critical communications infrastructures, plus embedded wireless system on module (SoM) and single-board computer (SBC) offerings for makers of next generation connected products.

Putting machines to work

Today, Digi goes to work where the machines work. Vast oil fields. Intensive care units. Crowded freeways. Factory floors. Often, in very demanding environments. Digi connects millions of sensors, valves, and components that make these critical infrastructures function. Digi provides the essential layer of machine-to-machine (M2M) communications — the remote monitoring and management that critical applications depend on.

Built for the real world

There’s a lot of buzz these days about M2M and the Internet of Things. At Digi, it’s all about the Internet of Getting Things Done. Customers have mission-critical goals to achieve. Budgets to meet. Deadlines to hit. This is machine connectivity with an ROI.

Product Categories (HTML)
Digi Infrastructure Management (MM)

Infrastructure Management

Digi creates industrial automation connectivity solutions that bring efficiency, sustainability, and growth to businesses everywhere. Built for the toughest environments and to last through the long haul, Digi makes implementation and deployment easy.

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Featured Products (LC)

Featured products

Digi Connect EZ 8 (MM)

Digi International

Digi Connect EZ 8

Digi Connect EZ 8 is available with RS-232 or software-selectable for RS-232/422/485 communication, LTE, Wi-Fi, digital/analog IO and Ethernet switch options.

Digi Connect EZ 16 32 (MM)

Digi International

Digi Connect EZ 16/32

Digi Connect EZ 16 and 32 are available with RS-232 or a software-selectable option for RS-32/422/485 communication, as well as LTE and single or dual power options.

Digi Connect ES (MM)

Digi International

Digi Connect ES

Digi Connect ES is used in applications that provide Ethernet connections from serial devices to the central data management system.

Digi Connect WS (MM)

Digi International

Digi Connect WS

The Digi Connect WS provides serial over IP connectivity for the environment that connects RS-232 devices to an information system network.

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