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Quectel Wireless Solutions


Quectel offers high-performance cellular and GNSS modules based on the state-of-art technology. They provide a wide product range of wireless products with complete set of integrated features capable of meeting the most sophisticated requirements from all the M2M market segments. They also provide comprehensive technical support for developers in all the phases of the product development, including but not limited to review and optimization of PCB/RF layout/design/schematics, along with in-depth support on testing and analysis of the end-product to ensure optimal results.

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Prod AVS NB-IoT Sensor Shield (RM)

Avnet Silica

NB-IoT Sensor Shield

The Avnet Silica NB-IoT Sensor Shield is a Cat M1 and NB-IoT board providing Arduino pinout connectors. The Arduino compatibility provides ultimate flexibility, leveraging on a huge ecosystem of compatible boards.

Avnet NB-IoT Sensor Shield Board
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