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SiTime Corporation is a market leader in precision timing. Their programmable solutions offer a rich feature set that enables customers to differentiate their products with higher performance, smaller size, lower power, and better reliability. With over 2 billion devices shipped, SiTime is transforming the timing industry.

SiTime now leads the MEMS timing market, producing programmable solutions that enable customers to differentiate their products with higher performance, smaller size, lower power, and better reliability.


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Prod SiTime Time Machine II (RM)


Time Machine II

The Time Machine II allows you to easily configure SiTime's field programmable timing solutions to your exact specification and create customized drop-in replacements for legacy quartz devices in seconds.

Prod SiTime kHz Oscillators (RM)


32.768 kHz Oscillators

The unique combination of an ultra-small footprint, µPower operation, and accuracy makes the devices an ideal fit for clocking space-sensitive, battery-driven products.

Prod SiTime MHz Oscillators (RM)


MHz Oscillators

SiTime’s MEMS MHz oscillators can replace quartz oscillators without any redesign or board layout changes.

Prod SiTime Precision MHz Super-TCXOs (RM)


Precision MHz Super-TCXOs

SiTime MEMS precision oscillators deliver the most stable timing under environmental stressors – airflow, rapid temperature change, shock, vibration, poor power supply, and EMI.

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