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MicroZed I4EK

MicroZed I4EK Main Content (MM)

MicroZed Industry 4.0 Ethernet Kit (I4EK) - Designed by Avnet

Avnet’s MicroZed™ Industry 4.0 Ethernet Kit (I4EK) demonstrates multi-protocol Industrial Ethernet in the AMD Zynq-7000™ SoC. The I4EK is the right solution for designers creating leading edge applications for factory automation such as networked sensors, actuators, and motor control with the intelligence to give you best possible control over your production process.  

Designers using the I4EK can quickly evaluate HMS Anybus® IP which provides the most widely used protocols with a unified API. The result is seamless hardware and software integration across networks. Protocol support includes: EtherCAT®, Powerlink, PROFINET® RT/IRT, EtherNet/IP™ and Modbus-TCP.


  • MicroZed I4EK - view from aboveEvaluate the Zynq SoC and Anybus IP real-time performance using the I4EK’s MicroZed SOM
  • Prototype your system using best-in-class IP, software APIs, and drivers
  • Deploy your end product with the MicroZed SOM, Anybus IP, your differentiating features and custom carrier board
  • No startup fees for evaluation and development. Deployed products are licensed with a tiny 1-wire security device


  • Industrial / factory Automation
  • Machine Vision
  • Motor Control

Block diagram

MicroZed I4EK block diagram

MicroZed I4EK product image
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