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NAFE Intro (LC)

NXP's N-AFE Analog Front-End Family for Seamless Factory Automation

NXP's N-AFE family brings smart factory features to industrial automation.

These devices offer several key benefits:

  • Software-defined flexibility: N-AFE's configurable inputs can measure voltage, current, resistance, or temperature, allowing for easy adaptation to different factory needs.
  • Improved product quality: Enhanced measurement accuracy and precision ensure consistent product quality on the manufacturing floor.
  • Predictive maintenance: Advanced diagnostics built into N-AFE enable early detection of potential issues, reducing downtime and improving efficiency.

N-AFE simplifies design by integrating essential signal chain components like protections, multiplexers, amplifiers, analog-to-digital converters (ADCs), and digital filtering. Manufacturers can choose from various options like low-power or high-speed models, with or without voltage/current excitation, all while maintaining compatibility for easier implementation.

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Key Applications




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Voltage and Current Sensing (GBLS)

Voltage and Current Sensing

Configure AFE to sense currents in multiple ranges.

Industrial Field Instruments (GBLS)

Industrial Field Instruments

Industrial Field Instruments that Maintain Accuracy Over Temperature.

Resistance Temperature Detectors (GBLS)

Resistance Temperature Detectors

NXP N-AFE RTD (Resistance temperature detector)/PTC/NTC.

Data Acquisition (GBLS)

Data Acquisition and Logger System

Develop Highly Accurate, Integrated and Configurable Systems with NAFE.

Thermocouple (GBLS)


Thermocouple with Cold Junction Compensation.

Servo motors (GBLS)

Servo Motors

Servo Motors Torque and Speed Control Board.

NAFE Cont (LC)

N-AFE application list

Application Short description
Servo Motors

Tacho input 0-10V


Reading RTD and convert directly to digital

Strain Gauges / Load cells

Measuring strain - weight


Compact and big - scalable

Medical Ultrasound

When there is high voltage (10V range) - TAC - Tomography

Electrochemical Sensing

At low data rate 50nV


Including cold junction compensation

Pressure Sensors

For analog output pressure sensors


 Including constant current supply

Voltage & Current Sensing

Differential and single-ended – multiple scale

Data Acquisition / Loggers

Highly flexible and configurable

N-AFE Parts List

Part TUE [%FS] INL [µV] PGA Gain ADC Resolution SPS [max] Excitation Source V/I Factory Calibration Power Consumption [mW]
NAFE11348B40BS 0.006 83 0.2 to 0.8 16 288000 No Y 125
NAFE11388B40BS 0.0050000004 10 0.2 to 0.8 24 288000 No Y 125
NAFE13188B40BS 0.0050000004 10 0.2 to 16 24 288000 Yes N 150
NAFE13388B40BS 0.0050000004 10 0.2 to 16 24 288000 Yes Y 150
NAFE71388B40BS 0.0050000004 10 0.2 to 0.8 24 576000 No Y 135
NAFE73388B40BS 0.0050000004 10 0.2 to 16 24 576000 Yes Y 160

All parts have the same:

  • Package type - HVQFN64 
  • Number of channels - 8 
  • Max Differential Input Range [±V] - 25
  • Input - Differential, Pseudo-Differential, Single Ended
  • ADC Architecture - Sigma Delta 
  • Interface and Input Control - SPI 
  • Operating Temperature (Min-Max) (℃) = -40 to 125 
  • Additional Features - 10 GPIOs, Internal Temperature sensor

N-AFE block diagram

NXP N-AFE Block Diagram

AI Module (AFE + MCU)


Universal Input Configuration Challenges

NXP N-AFE Configuration Challenges

N-AFE part numbering

NXP N-AFE Part Numbering

Free Kit (LC)

Win a free NXP N-AFE Board*

Fill in the form below to win a free NXP N-AFE board. While stocks last.*

Please note that we can only accept entries from EMEA. Entries outside EMEA will not be eligible. 


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