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The Industrial IoT

Industrial IoT Intro (MM)

The Industrial IoT (IIoT) provides the fundamental technologies needed to support Industry 4.0 and the move toward higher productivity.

Avnet Silica is committed to enabling your digital transformation to Industry 4.0. Our portfolio of IIoT solutions is available now and growing. We provide the technologies that make it easier to harness the power of the IIoT.

To support this, Avnet Silica produced a wide range of resources to inspire and educate. We cover as much as possible, from the top-level view of IIoT, to how single pair Ethernet is changing the industrial communication landscape.


IIOT Whitepaper (RRCD)

IIoT Whitepaper

A top-down analysis of the Industrial IoT

Manufacturing Guide (RRCD)

Smart Industry knowledge library

Resources for a deeper dive

AVS IoT Graphic (HTML)



Industry 4.0 is driving digital transformation.
Industrial IoT is one of the pillars supporting that transformation.

The IIoT is all about connecting devices. The technologies behind that are evolving fast.
In the Industrial IoT, data is king. Making sure that data gets where it's needed, safely and securely, is the job of the underlying technologies.
Avnet works with the leaders to provide expert advice, components, evaluation kits and development platforms.
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IoT Connect

Avnet Silica's IoTConnect™ platform addresses all common industry needs and the challenges businesses have been facing, providing a standardized way to harness IoT.



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