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Industrial Solutions


Industrial automation and control

We specialize in broad range of industrial applications – motor control, smart meters, appliance controls, solar and wind energy applications and many more.

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S2-LP: Ultra low power, high range connectivity RF transceiver

Made for RF wireless applications in the sub-1 GHz band, this high performance ultra-low power RF transceiver supports 4 different modulation schemes.

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Motor control for smart industry

Servo motor controllers play a vital part in intelligent production by providing precise angular positioning of the motor shaft. To that end, the STM32 ecosystem offers many tools to ease the development of motor control applications.


Taking flight with accurate distance measurement

Avnet brings you a true direct low power ToF sensor system that uses highly sensitive SPAD detection to measure distances accurately at very high speed. A sub-nanosecond light pulse also provides highly exact depth detection.

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A view to the future of home security

Designed to replace analog audio/visual system in a price sensitive market, Avnet's digital visual intercom & doorbell solution is low-cost yet brims with features.

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Giving visual advancements a new outlook

As a compelling video processing development platform, Avnet'd SDSoc Embedded Vision Kit is an unparalleled demonstration of an FPGA system performing various video and image processing applications.

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The HMI for all your professional needs

The latest Human Machine Interface (HMI), STM32H750 runs on a 32-bit Arm® Cortex®-M7 processor core with double precision FPU and an embedded Flash memory of 128Kbytes.


Better, smarter camera modules

Avnet’s Camera with Ultra96-V2 supports proof of concept development for engineers and developers. The Ultra96-V2 is an Arm-based, Xilinx Zynq UltraScale+ ™ MPSoC development board based on the Linaro 96Boards Consumer Edition (CE) specification.


Moving ahead in industry 4.0

Avnet’s STM Servo Motor Controller is a servo motion control solution for robots, automation equipment and servo control in industrial applications which enables servo position control with high efficiency.

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Gaining Control of Industrial Networking

Avnet’s complete platform release that includes both encoder and sensor-less field orientation vector control FPGA implementations.

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Taking video surveillance to the future

This MJPEG on Minized + TDNext camera offers complete video pipeline system implementation with motion JPEG compression engine as well as wireless video transmission over Wifi.

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Analog technology that enables robust factory automation applications

Analog technology provides highly accurate measurements and drives motors efficiently, enabling the possibility of automation for long-term reliability while reducing cost and complexity.


Accelerating robotics development

Nowadays, robots equipped with artificial intelligence are becoming more and more capable of performing various functions. Avnet’s Ultra 96-V2 is integrated with the official ROS standard platform robot, the TurtleBot3.


Taking the lead in machine learning

For machine learning on the edge network, the optimal tradeoff among latency, power, cost, flexibility, scalability and time-to-market is provided by Xilinx.

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Identifying New Possibilities In Object Recognition

Superior in many ways, Avnet Object Recognition Embedded Vision Kit is most highly regarded for its demonstration of a FPGA system performing video object recognition.

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Turning HMI Into a Competitive Edge

As a company renowned for market-leading innovations, Avnet continues to set new standards in the field of HMIs. Avnet’s HMI Peripheral Boards of note are designed to synergize perfectly with Avnet’s i.MX6UL SOM.

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Enabling reliable and efficient motor control

Modern businesses serving industrial and IoT markets require more secure and efficient motor control solutions that maintain a high level of accuracy and reliability in the most rugged systems.


Intelligent surveillance systems

Avnet’s AI BlueBox is part of the Smart Edge Network Surveillance Platform and utilizes deep compression and hardware-accelerated Deep Learning Technology. The AI BlueBox supports 8 video streams at 15fps as well as RTSP cameras and servers.


Getting in time for industry 4.0

Robust communication networks are critical for Industry 4.0 systems. There is therefore a pressing need for a high-assurance industrial networking platform that can satisfy the latest Time-Sensitive Networking standards.

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Realising new designs in IP cameras

For manufacturers looking to rise above the intensifying competition, Avnet has a ready IP camera solution that can bring their creations to life and accelerate their success in the market place.


Ultra96 accelerates autonomous robot

The TurtleBot3 Burger is a popular Robot Operating System (ROS) platform retrofitted with an Ultra96-V2 board, upgrading the capability from the Raspberry Pi board.