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Ultraviolet light. UV-C LEDs from ams OSRAM.

Light for making our world healthier and improve human well-being is part of our mission.


Webinar: Smart UV-C Treatment Solutions

UV-C LEDs are enabling new treatment applications and can already replace UV-C lamps in certain systems. Even more features and opportunities are unlocked with a UV sensor, which makes the system smarter.

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A light you can’t see, that kills bacteria in air, water and on surfaces. Breathtaking technology at a time when people need to breathe a little easier. ams OSRAM harnesses the remarkable cleaning properties of UV-C light and delivers it through powerful LEDs. They are small, flexible and work in an instant. Now innovators can make the world cleaner, greener and healthier at the flick of switch.

The OSLON® UV-C series is designed to provide efficient UV-C radiation for but not limited to medical, home goods and consumer applications. It allows for flexible designs for various types of UV-C applications in the areas of air, water and surface disinfection and purification, as well as treatment or sensing. Design possibilities are endless, and range from point-of-use water treatment, automotive interior disinfection to air purification in portal devices or air conditioning systems. The OSLON® UV-C family combines both low and mid power with a robust design, reliable and efficient radiation output.


  • UV-C Air Disinfection
  • UV-C Surface Disinfection
  • UV-C Water Disinfection
  • Smoke/Dust/Particle Sensing
  • Curing applications
  • Treatment in the chemical industry


What is UV-C?

UV radiation is naturally emitted by our sun each day. The spectrum can be sub-divided into UV-A (380-315 nm) UV-B (315-280nm) and UV-C (280-100 nm). While UV-A and UV-B can reach the surface of the earth, UV-C is absorbed in the atmosphere. Each kind of UV radiation can also be generated artificially and is well used in our daily lives in several applications. While UV-A is widely used in the printing industry or in sensing applications for detecting counterfeit money. And UV-B sources can be deployed in phototherapy or horticulture. UV-C is widely used for disinfection and purification of air, water and surfaces. Typical application areas are water purification for wastewater or in public pools, disinfection of surfaces in hospitals or air purification in air conditioning systems. Depending on the application area different power classes are required to obtain the desired dose on the area or volume of interest.

How does it work?

UV-C radiation is suitable for disinfection of purification since it effectively renders bacteria, viruses and fungi harmless. UV-C radiation has a highly disinfecting effect since UV-C is absorbed by the DNA of microorganisms, inactivating their reproduction process. The dose necessary to achieve a certain inactivation or reduction depends strongly on the application and pathogens targeted.

Why is it so important?

Clean water. Clean air. Clean surfaces. A pure environment where health and safety for everyone is made possible even under the harshest of conditions.

In an interconnected world, new challenges arise such as we have recently been witness to. We are confronted with microorganisms every day. At home and at work, from running an errand, to seeing a physician or the use of plain tab water. The COVID-19 pandemic has lead to a heightened sense of awareness for disinfection and with it a desire for safe UV-C solutions.

UV-C radiation is able to effectively reduce harmful micro-organisms without the use of chemicals.

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EBV - ams OSRAM - UV-C Treatment - Webinar Solutions Grid Box Light (GBL)

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Smart UV-C Treatment Solutions

UV-C LEDs are enabling new treatment applications and can already replace UV lamps in certain systems. Even more features and opportunities are unlocked with a UV sensor, which makes the system smarter.

EBV - ams OSRAM - UV-C - Webinar Disinfection Demo Grid Box Light (GBL)

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UV Disinfection Demo

Surface disinfection with UV-C LEDs on the next level.

EBV - ams OSRAM - Sensing Light NPI UV 3636 Grid Box Light (GBL)

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Imagine a world in which light makes your everyday life healthier, safer, and more pleasant. With UV-C solutions powered by ams OSRAM OS, this vision becomes reality.