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Heracles 324m new member of the Heracles family

EBV - EBV Chips - Heracles 324m new member of the Heracles family - Mixed Media (MM)

The all in one solution – real direct IoT and plug and play

Heracles 324m is an all in one solution, real direct IoT and plug and play. It combines an application processor, a low power, low throughput LTE modem, a GPRS/EDGE modem, a global satellite localization system and a pre-paid data package with an European footprint. It is combined with an hardware secured element allowing a high level of security.

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HERACLES 324M is the third generation of our all in one solution concept and will allow customers to smoothly migrate from the 2G M2M world to the upcoming LPWA LTE world (4G). It is designed for applications that need low latency, medium throughput data communication in a variety of radio propagation conditions. Due to the unique combination of performance, security and flexibility, this module is ideally suited for M2M applications, such as metering, wearable, tracking, re-mote monitoring, healthcare, telematics, mobile POS terminals, bike sharing, smart farming, etc…


EBV - EBV Chips - Designed for IoT Connectivity - Mixed Media (MM)

Designed for IoT Connectivity:

The Heracles footprint provide a maximum on compatibility for our customer designs, upgrading designs i.e. from the existing version into always the latest generation.
HERACLES 324 embeds a prepaid 50MB data package from 1nce thanks to an embedded sim. The package can be used over 5 years starting from the production date and includes the connectivity over 173 in Europe (including UK), Asia, North America, South America, Africa and Oceania. The connectivity can be extended up to 500MB for 10 years.

A second option is available -  purchasing the pure hardware without connectivity in order to be used with a standard external SIM in cases where offered connectivity is not suitable.