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Microsoft Windows Embedded


Microsoft provides the technologies and expertise you need to capitalize on the Internet of Things by building an intelligent system to gather, store and analyze your organization’s data. From devices on the edge of your network, to back-end systems and services, the data that flows through your enterprise will drive a new level of business intelligence. This all is made possible with the various Windows Embedded software solutions tailor made to satisfy your business needs.

Click here to visit our Special MS Embedded Website for more information on Classic Operating Systems, Server Systems, Embedded OS and POS OS!

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MS Embedded Software Teaser (GB)


Embedded Software

Microsoft provides the technologies and expertise you need to capitalize on the Internet of Things by building an intelligent system to gather, store and analyze your organization’s data.

MS Licensing Teaser (GB)



Windows Embedded licensing is defined in a way to allow a low upfront investment as the majority of the cost involved only applies once your device is ready for shipment and successful selling.

MS Cloud Solutions Teaser (GB)


Cloud Solutions

Windows Azure - Ten reasons your business needs a strategy to capitalize on the Internet of Things today.

Microsoft Azure Sphere (GBL)


Azure Sphere

A solution for creating highly secured, connected MCU-powered devices to help you reimagine your business, drive innovation and delight customers.

Spot MS Azure Sphere Webinar (GBD)

Training & Events

How to start with Azure Sphere

Microsoft has introduced a comprehensive Internet of Things security initiative called Azure Sphere, with the goal of improving security for microcontroller units and an emphasis on an open ecosystem.

Customer asking question at seminar.
Microsoft Contact Us (GBD)

Contact us

Need assistance?

Let us know how we can assist you and our local Microsoft Windows Embedded Experts will contact you.

Spot Supply Chain Solutions (GBD)


Supply Chain Solutions

Our industry-recognised supply chain experts can help you assess your supply chain health and manage future expansion.

Newsletter Subscription (GBD)


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