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Avnet SiIica Newsletters


Keeping you up-to-date with all things semiconductors, electronics and technology


We want to provide you with information about the latest products, technologies and market trends of our industry. We want to share our expertise in one of our many training opportunities and invite you to industry events we participate in to meet with us in person. 

Sign up to become part of our community of engineers, product managers, purchasers and technology aficionados. Here is what you can get:


  • Price and Lead-time Trends (The Trendliner)
  • Product and Market Trends (The Innovator - See also LinkedIn version)
  • Power electronics insights (Powering the Shift - See also LinkedIn version)
  • Invitations to events and training opportunities 
  • Information about promotions and prize draws 

Register here for our newsletters

After you have filled out the registration form, you will receive an email, asking you to confirm your subscription.


Manage your subscriptions

As much as we enjoy staying connected, we also value our customers and their decision to cut back on email.

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Innovator LinkedIn (GBL)

LinkedIn Newsletter

The Innovator - LinkedIn Newsletter

We also publish 'The Innovator' newsletter on LinkedIn monthly. You can subscribe to this newsletter via LinkedIn and receive notifications when a new volume goes live.

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