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API service

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Fast and efficient procurement with Avnet's API

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Avnet's API service delivers procurement information that drives innovation. Our API provides detailed, real-time information about products that helps you make the best purchasing decisions. APIs from Avnet support a wide range of software platforms and improve your supply chain by enabling you to better manage your procurement process. This allows you to focus on delivering value to your customer and dependably bring innovation to market.

From supply chain to design chain — including components and logistics — it’s what we do. Avnet is your trusted global supply chain technology partner delivering innovation for the last century.

Learn more and request API access

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3 ways to interface with Avnet APIs

Have an internal interface?

If you have your own internal interface (in-house tool), ensure you select the “third party / internal interface / grown” option and complete the fourth question accordingly in the request form. This will allow you to request your credentials which will then link to your internal interface. For faster processing, please work with your Avnet sales representative to complete the form.

If you are new to Avnet and don’t have a sales representative yet, please fill out as much as possible and we will ensure proper setup.

Don’t have an internal interface?

If you DO NOT have your own internal interface and wish to access Avnet’s database via an on-demand, downloadable Excel file, ensure you check the “Excel on-demand, online downloadable file” option.

This will enable you to request credentials which will then allow you to click a download button available in your MyAvnet area upon login. Please fill out as much as possible and we will ensure you are setup properly.

Third-party service

Avnet APIs integrate with multiple third-party service providers to provide product information directly in their tools.

Feature service providers include:

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