Module–based Prototyping and Development Approaches for Embedded Vision Projects | Avnet Silica

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Module–based Prototyping and Development Approaches for Embedded Vision Projects

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Module–based Prototyping and Development Approaches for Embedded Vision Projects

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Join Avnet Silica and Allied Vision for a dynamic webinar focusing on new approaches for embedded vision product development. In just 60 minutes, you'll:

  • Discover the power of Alvium Cameras: Uncover the advantages and use cases of Alvium cameras while gaining insights into the portfolio, open-source software ecosystem and design concepts.
  • Discover the Vision Prototyping Ecosystem: Leverage Avnet Silica’s cross-supplier enablement from hardware to drivers and tools
  • Access Comprehensive Support: Learn about the full-service vision solutions provided by Allied Vision and Avnet Silica, including software, services, and expert consulting.
  • Embrace Module-Based Prototyping: Explore a real-world use case, moving from prototyping to an AI-accelerated camera product, and gain insights into efficient module-based design.

Whether you are an engineer, project manager, or pioneer in the field of embedded vision, this webinar on January 31st (English) or February 1st (German) is your gateway to unlocking the future of embedded vision products. Don't miss this opportunity.


Dates & time

  • January 31st, 14:00 CET (English)
  • February 01st, 14:00 CET (German)























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Module–based Prototyping and Development Approaches for Embedded Vision Projects | Avnet Silica

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