Webinar: The new Renesas Portfolio | Avnet Silica
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The “new” Renesas: Portfolio, Solutions, Trends

The “new” Renesas: Portfolio, Solutions, Trends

15 Sep 2020 - 15 Sep 2020


Renesas Logo
The landscape of the semiconductor industry changes continuously.

One of the most expanding and innovating vendors is Renesas, moving from a Microcontroller vendor to a portfolio and system-provider.

This Webinar gives you some insights how you may benefit from this change from a portfolio and solutions perspective.

We invite you to join one or more of the following webinar sessions.



  • 09:00 - 10:00 - Renesas portfolio overview and System solutions
  • 10:30 - 11:30 - Renesas RE Microcontroller Family
  • 13:00 - 14:00 - Renesas RA Microcontroller Family
  • 14:30 - 15:30 - Renesas RZ Microprocessor Family


Session 01 - Renesas portfolio overview and System solutions.

Renesas, Intersil and IDT melt together to become the new Renesas. 

Based on this massive merger, they became a broadliner with excellent, industry leading solutions in Power, Sensors and Analog. Make yourself familiar with the new portfolio and dive into Renesas’ Winning Combinations, their reference Solutions for various Applications.

Christoph Schnelle, FAE Manager Central Europe, Renesas Electronics
Seraphin Bikek, Business Development System Design, Renesas Electronics 


Session 02- Renesas RE Microcontroller Family

You have the vision of powering your product with the smallest possible battery, reducing the need to recharge or replace batteries, or even remove the battery using  energy harvesting to power your IoT devices? Don't miss the opportunity to get an insight in Renesas' SOTB process technology and the corresponding RE family ARM Cortex-M  microcontrollers for the lowest power consumption for your application.

Graeme Clark, Business Development Manager low power SoC, Renesas Electronics


13:00-14:00 - Renesas RA Microcontroller Family

Newest ARM Cortex-M cores based family of general purpose MCUs, saving your BOM and energy by embedding Secure Element functionality, Data FLASH, precise oscillator 20MHz +/-0.25%, state of art new Cap.Touch IP (increasing robustness as well as scanning frequency with new noise cancellation technique) and unique peripheral blocks working independently on CPU to meet ultra low energy budget.

Discover with us the wide range of different solutions. 

Jiri Ratka, Business Develeopment Manager, Renesas Electronics


14:30-15:30 - Renesas RZ Microprocessor Family

Dive into the world of multi-protocol industrial networking processors - scaling from ARM`s Cortex-A5 up to their latest Cortex-R52 Realtime-Cores.

Learn everything about Renesas' controllers supporting a wide range of industrial protocols such as IO-Link, Profinet IRT and TSN (Time Sensitive Network) capability. RZ is available in different Form factors and tailored for time critical applications. 

Frank Scheit, Senior Field Application Engineer Digital, Renesas Electronics
Lars Mickaen, Business Development Manager Industrial Automation SoC, Renesas Electronics
Arno Stock, Business Development Manager Industrial Automation SoC, Renesas Electronics




Webinar: The new Renesas Portfolio | Avnet Silica


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