The Trendliner

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Avnet Silica's 'Trendliner' explores the latest semiconductor lead times, pricing trends and insights on: 

  • Discrete 
  • Analog & Logic 
  • Market Overview 
  • Supplier Specifics 
  • Product Life News 

Download the latest Trendliner today and get the latest insights for Q2 2024. 

Q2 Insights

This quarter is very similar to the previous one. Except for some memory product families such as DRAM, eMMC and NAND Flash, we see a pricing and lead time stabilisation, suggesting we are at the bottom of the market downturn. We invite our customers to make the most of the short and stable lead times currently available, as we believe market forces will generate subsequent uplifts.

Beside the natural cycle, macroeconomic influences are still creating an impact, such as the recent earthquake in Taiwan. This can lead to uncertainty within the industry, further aggravating potential supply restrictions.

Investments, stimulated by previous severe constraints, have led to the construction of the 3rd fab in the US, reinforcing continuity of availability, with initial products expected to come off the production lines 1st half of 2025.

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