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New Space / Space 2.0 – The Business of Space


Over the past few years, a revolution has occurred in the space market. New companies are entering this market with plans for low earth orbit constellations offering world wide internet, earth observation or private networks. They want the benefits of lower cost Commercial Off The Shelf (COTs) components combined with a degree of radiation tolerance. Avnet Silica is working with their semiconductor partners to support this dynamic new market area. These suppliers are using their vast knowledge and long experience of supporting traditional radiation-hardened components to come up with innovative, lower cost, reliable radiation tolerant components.

Avnet Silica’s European team of aerospace experts are ready to support you on your space 2.0 design.

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Powering space 2 (LC)

Powering Space 2.0

Putting power first (MM)

Putting Power First

From a technology perspective, we have come a long way since the first lunar missions. Space is being commercialised in ways the pioneers could have only imagined. There are now almost 10,000 satellites in orbit around Earth. Tourism may be the next frontier.  

The demand for more processing capability on the edge of space is pushing the limits of power design. Making power supplies radiation-tolerant and more efficient will help keep the satellite industry launching.

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Featured articles

AVS Space SI5 Related Article (MM)

Addressing the processing needs of Space 2.0 applications

The heavens may be infinite, but in Earth’s neighbourhood things are getting crowded. Space 2.0, a new era of exploration and development driven more by commercial interests than government action, is fuelling rapid innovation in reusable rockets, satellite internet connectivity, Earth observation platforms, navigation, space tourism and many more applications. As a result, our skies are rapidly becoming much busier than ever before.


FPGAs fit for space

The arrival of Space 2.0 has democratised the use of satellites and opened up an array of applications that can be serviced by electronics in low-Earth orbit (LEO) as well as those on higher trajectories such as geosynchronous equatorial orbit (GEO). Although launch costs have fallen rapidly, development cost and time present their own challenges. Even if deployed in large constellations of several hundred satellites like some of the LEO communications networks now orbiting, space electronics designs are intrinsically low-volume applications.

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New Space Satellites Related Article (MM)

Radiation-hardened processors for space

Lower launch costs have helped open up a raft of applications for satellites that, by featuring advanced sensors and computing, are able to deliver novel communications and remote-monitoring services. Limited communication bandwidth to ground stations and the increasing resolution of sensors mean that sophisticated compression and onboard analysis techniques are mandated.

Overcoming radiation article (MM)

Overcoming the radiation challenges of space electronics

To deploy systems into orbit that will be reliable requires a focus on radiation hardening of electronics during the design process. Radiation represents the biggest reliability challenge for electronic hardware in space and the small satellites in low-Earth orbits (LEOs) can be particularly under threat. The radiation environment close to Earth is divided into two main categories.



Capability insights
Capability insights

Whether it is ground based, sea based, avionic or space, whether is an earth observation satellite, a telecomm or Global Positioning Satellite or even a trip to Mars and beyond - Avnet Silica supplies parts for applications where very high reliability and radiation requirements are a must.

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Taking Advantage of GaN in Small Satellite “New Space” Applications
Taking Advantage of GaN in Small Satellite “New Space” Applications

This white paper discusses how GaN FETs are an optimal fit for satellite applications, and how together, they allow more efficient switching, higher frequency operation, reduced gate drive voltage, and smaller solution sizes compared to traditional silicon counterparts.

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Avnet Silica's Aerospace and Defence webinars
Avnet Silica's Aerospace and Defence webinars

Visit Avnet Silica's Digital Event Experience Portal (DEEP), where you can find all New Space / Space 2.0 webinars and trainings from Avnet Silica available on-demand.

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Versal for Space area (LC)

Versal for Space 

Versal is a family of adaptive compute acceleration platforms (ACAPs) designed for a wide range of applications, including data centers, networking, automotive, and aerospace.

Some aspects that make Versal devices suitable for space applications include:

  1. Adaptability: Versal devices are known for their adaptability, featuring programmable logic, processors, and AI engines. This adaptability allows developers to tailor the hardware to specific requirements, making them suitable for diverse space applications with varying computational needs.

  2. High-Performance Processing: Versal devices incorporate advanced processing elements, including high-performance ARM Cortex processors, FPGA fabric, and AI engines. These features enable efficient and high-performance processing, which can be crucial in space applications where computational power is often limited.

  3. Integration of Various Functions: ACAPs like Versal integrate various functions into a single chip, reducing the need for multiple discrete components. This integration can result in a more compact and power-efficient solution, which is advantageous in space applications where size, weight, and power constraints are critical.

  4. Radiation Hardening: Space environments expose electronic components to increased levels of radiation. Electronic devices used in space need to be designed or tested for radiation hardness to ensure reliable operation. It's possible that Versal devices or associated technologies include features to address these challenges.

Avnet Silica's Ecosystem for AMD Versal for Space

Requirements Supplier
SRAM Microchip / GSI Technology
NVM Microchip / Mercury
DDR4 Teledyne e2v / Mercury
MCU Microchip / Teledyne e2v
Power Solutions Renesas Intersil
High Speed ADC / DAC Teledyne e2v
Space XO Microchip / Vectron 
Ruggedised TCXO SiTime


AMD Versal (GBL)


The AMD Versal range offers high-performance CPUs, GPUs, and accelerators, integrating advanced technologies for diverse workloads in AI, HPC, and data analytics, promising efficient and scalable solutions.

AMD Logo
SiTime (GBL)


Tough environmental conditions such as extreme temperatures and vibration make selecting a stable clock a real challenge. Designers of mission critical systems can depend on SiTime commercial ruggedized timing for predicable performance.

SiTime logo

GSI Technology

GSI Technology’s Aerospace and Military focus supports applications for LEO and GEO orbits, high altitude, terrestrial military products, and multi-sensor (data fusion) processing applications.

GSI Technology logo
Teledyne (GBL)

Teledyne e2v

The space-grade digital and mixed signal devices developed by Teledyne e2v offer an optimal balance of performance, reliability and cost effectiveness. See space radiation tolerent 4GB/8GB DDR4 and data converters up to ka-band.

Teledyne e2v logo
Microchip (GBL)


See overview of Microchips Aerospace portfolio and take a closer look at memory, microcontroller, microprocessor and oscillator products.

Microchip logo
Renesas (GBL)

Renesas Intersil

Renesas's history and experience in the space industry spans decades, beginning with the founding of Radiation, Inc. in 1950. Renesas leverages this experience to deliver efficient, thermally optimized, and reliable products

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Supply Chain Solutions

Our industry-recognised supply chain experts can help you assess your supply chain health and manage future expansion.

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Training & Events

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Internet of Things

Avnet Silica has the perfect supplier offering to enable you to put your product development into the Internet of Things.

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