GSI Technology’s Aerospace focus supports applications for LEO and GEO orbits, high altitude, and multi-sensor (data fusion) processing applications.
GSI's world-class high-performance SRAM memory comes in the highest density and speeds for monolithic devices available and is offered in Rad-Hard, Rad-Tolerant, Industrial, and Commercial variants. Their SRAM is designed to support today’s complex FPGAs.
GSI has over 10,000 SRAM devices in production in various markets.
Expanding on their high reliability and high-performance design ability, GSI also offers a highly efficient and high TOPS/W AI processor – Associative Processing Unit (APU).
GSI Technology’s APU, a compute in-memory architecture, has been shown to have superior space survival capabilities. With the APU’s flexible bit processing architecture, this AI processor can support sophisticated applications in defense electronics, real-time SAR image generation, object recognition, ATR, GPS-denied navigation, and data fusion applications where our superior hardware and algorithm subsystems capable of handling big data in small mobile systems provide real-time tactical advantages.

GSI Technology GEO, MEO & LEO Applications
MEO Stratosphere LEO
On Earth
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