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GSI Technology's Space Ecosystem

GSI Space Intro (MM)

GSI Technology’s Aerospace focus supports applications for LEO and GEO orbits, high altitude, and multi-sensor (data fusion) processing applications.

GSI's world-class high-performance SRAM memory comes in the highest density and speeds for monolithic devices available and is offered in Rad-Hard, Rad-Tolerant, Industrial, and Commercial variants. Their SRAM is designed to support today’s complex FPGAs.

GSI has over 10,000 SRAM devices in production in various markets.

Expanding on their high reliability and high-performance design ability, GSI also offers a highly efficient and high TOPS/W AI processor – Associative Processing Unit (APU).

GSI Technology’s APU, a compute in-memory architecture, has been shown to have superior space survival capabilities. With the APU’s flexible bit processing architecture, this AI processor can support sophisticated applications in defense electronics, real-time SAR image generation, object recognition, ATR, GPS-denied navigation, and data fusion applications where our superior hardware and algorithm subsystems capable of handling big data in small mobile systems provide real-time tactical advantages.

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GSI Technology GEO, MEO & LEO Applications

Whereabouts Application
On Earth
  • Data Processing 
  • Planet/Comet/Asteroid Identification & Tracking 
  • Constellation Management & Collision Avoidance 
  • Weather Monitoring & Prediction 
  • Natural Disaster Monitoring, Warning & Impact Analysis 
  • Autonomous Emergency First Response
  • Smart Adaptive Comms
  • Solar Flare & GRB Monitoring & Notification
  • Weather Monitoring & Prediction 
  • Natural Disaster Monitoring, Warning & Impact Analysis 
  • Autonomous Emergency First Response
  • Early Warning Threat Detection 


  • Methane Super Emitter Tracking 
  • Internet of Space Things 
  • Collision Avoidance 
  • Autonomous Emergency First Response


  • EO/IR/SAR Data Processing 
  • Communication Network Gap Enablement 
  • Weather Monitoring & Prediction 
  • Natural Disaster Monitoring, Warning & Impact Analysis


  • EO/IR/SAR Data Processing 
  • Astronaut Robotic Assistant & Health Management 
  • Constellation Management & Collision Avoidance 
  • Communication Network Reconfiguration/Optimisation 
  • Planet/Comet/Asteroid Identification & Tracking 
  • Internet of Space Things 
  • Weather Monitoring & Prediction
  • Natural Disaster Monitoring, Warning & Impact Analysis 
  • Autonomous Emergency First Response

Other featured applications

Satellite Aperture Radar (GBL)


Satellite Aperture Radar

In Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR), microwave transmissions done from airplanes or satellites that are moving are used to map fixed grid locations on the ground.

GSI Satellite Aperature
Radiation Hardened SRAMs (GBL)


Radiation Hardened SRAMs

GSI's Rad-Hard SRAMs leverage our proven commercial technology and architecture with radiation-hardening, creating an efficient, high performance, leading-edge memory at the 40nm technology node. GSI also offers Radiation-Tolerant SRAMs.

Space radiation
Object Recognition (GBL)


Object Recognition

GSI’s Object detection solution utilizes a computational model leveraging our APU’s flexible in-memory vector computation ability necessary for today’s deep learning methods to infer location and identify objects in an image/scene.

GIS Object Recognition Technology
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Satellites above earth graphic
GPS-Denied Environment (GBL)


GPS-Denied Environment

The nature of the GSI APU is that once the data from the sensor is in the APU device, it can be iteratively processed for SAR image, dense registration, and even navigation correction without having to incur I/O latencies.

UAV over denied environment
Data Fusion (GBL)


Data Fusion

The GSI APU supports data fusion, often used in AI applications, where unstructured data from multiple sensor sources are used in our hardware solutions and algorithms for faster actionable results that have improved accuracy.

Data Fusion