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Manufacturer Tools

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Design tools offered by our manufacturer partners

Click on the links below to use tools and information from our manufacturer partners. Each tool gives specific information on key products you will want to use in your end design. Using these calculators, you can do everything from estimating power film capacitors to finding the best socket and terminal set based on your design requirements.

Design Advisor

NXP Design Advisor Tool helps you from design ideation to complete solutions, find the right toolkit for your project. Get recommendations to find the best solution depending on your Design Phase, Application, Market and other parameters.

Elite Power SiC Simulator

Onsemi’s new Elite Power Simulator enables power electronic engineers to accelerate time to market. The tool provides an accurate representation of how their circuit will work using our EliteSiC family of products including manufacturing corner cases of the EliteSiC technology.

RSL10 Power Consumption and Battery Estimator

The Power Consumption and Battery Estimator generates power and current consumption estimates when the RSL10 is operating in a variety of commonly used configurations

RSL15 Power Consumption and Battery Estimator

RSL15 Power Consumption and Battery Estimator generates power and current consumption estimates when the RSL15 is operating in a variety of commonly used configurations.
Onsemi Logo

WebDesigner+ Power Supply

WebDesigner+™ Power Supply tools generate and optimize power supply designs based on your input requirements. Buck, Boost, Inverting Buck-Boost, Flyback NEW, Charge pump and LDO / linear converters are currently supported.

Go Configure™ Software Hub

The Go Configure Software Hub provides development support for GreenPAK and ForgeFPGA™ devices. This software package enables a completely graphical design process and allows users to specify exactly how they want a device to be configured.

iSim Personal Edition

iSim Personal Edition (iSim:PE) is a powerful offline schematic capture and circuit simulation tool for Renesas power management and op amp devices. Based on the SIMPLIS/SIMetrix simulation platform, iSim:PE allows the user to select between two powerful simulation engines: SIMPLIS for power management parts and SIMetrix for op amps.


The PowerCompass tool helps users quickly identify parts that match their specific requirements, set up multiple rails, perform high-level system analysis, and generate custom reference design files.
ST logo

ROHM Solution Simulator

Ready to simulate your solution and get it to production status easily? Quickly characterize power devices and drive circuits using our readily available topology circuits. In addition, peripheral component constants, such as switching regulators, linear regulators, LED drivers, and operational amplifiers can be easily designed and verified!
ST logo

AC Switch Simulator

Quickly find the thyristor or AC switch that best fits your design by simply entering the main I/O and gate parameters in our AC Switch Simulator.

Sensor Software Development Tools

ST tools created for configuring, for performance evaluation and to help generation of software routines for ST sensors.

STM32 MCU Software development tools

ST's software development tool helps you to accelerate your development thantks to the STM32Cube software tools.

STM32 MPU Software development tools

ST's software development tool helps you to accelerate your development thantks to the STM32Cube embebed software and development tools.
KEMET logo

eDesign Suite

eDesignSuite is a comprehensive set of easy-to-use design-aid utilities ready to help you streamline the system development process with a wide range of ST products.

MOSFET selector for BLDC Motor (sinusoidal) application

Use the tool to select the device with the best performance for your BLDC (Sinusoidal operation) motor requirements, motor power and desired switching frequency of your design to select the best MOSFETs available based on simulation efficiency.

MOSFET selector for BLDC Motor (trapezoidal) application

Use the tool to select the device with the best performance for your BLDC (Trapezoidal operation) motor requirements, motor power and desired switching frequency of your design to select the best MOSFETs available based on simulation efficiency.

Xilinx Power Estimator

AMD's Xilinx Power Estimator, XPE estimates the power consumption of your design. It accepts design information through simple design wizards, analyzes them and provides detailed power and thermal information.